Before long, a charming woman walked into the meeting hall. It was Ye Ming who called to be in charge of changing faces.

"I'd like to introduce to you that this is the Minister of Dongfeng Huadong, who is proficient in transfiguration and hallucination." Ye Ming pointed to the woman and introduced it again. Then he looked at Xiangfeng Yixiu and said in a deep voice: "this is central China..."

"Marshal Ye, I know this handsome young man. I don't know the famous King of Shura. You don't have to introduce it to me." Magic Ji smiling face Yingying, soft voice way.

"In that case, I won't beat around the bush. You can help him change his appearance so that he can carry out a very important task." Ye Ming stands with a negative hand and explains clearly the purpose of inviting the magic Ji to come.

"That's OK, but my illusion lasts only three months at most. I don't know if it's enough time?" Magic Ji heard the important task, but also know the importance of things, her face became dignified.

"Three months If you want to gain trust in such a short time, I'm afraid it's a little difficult. " Ye Ming was worried.

It is possible for undercover agents to get involved in it for a short period of one and a half years, or more than ten years. Three months is indeed too much.

After all, this time fengyixiu is not just a simple way to get into the heaven and evil people. The most important thing is to gain enough trust and high status. Otherwise, we won't be able to touch some core secrets.

"Three months is enough. I will find out everything in three months and find the real dragon crystal cores." The wind also cultivates, the vision is very firm.

Are you sure that the wind is also good? If you don't finish it in three months, you have to give up the task immediately and give priority to your safety. " Ye Ming said earnestly.

"I remember, I'll make sure I'm safe. You can rest assured." The wind also deepens the voice.

Immediately, magic Ji summoned her own fighting spirit, which turned out to be a research spirit of "thousand face fox king".

The king of the thousand faced fox is not quite the same as the general beast fighting spirit, but is similar to the human shape. On his face, he wears a mask that looks like a smile, but he can't tell whether he is a man or a woman.

"I don't know what the handsome boy wants to turn into? Do you need to be a little bit handsome? " Huan Ji looks at Feng Yixiu with a smile on her face and asks.

"No How ugly, how to come! "

Without waiting for Feng Yixiu to speak, Shen Ruyu on the side of the wind Yixiu gives an answer instead of Feng Yixiu.

Feng Yixiu didn't have time to speak. He touched his nose awkwardly and said with a wry smile, "can you make a normal person, or it will be too ugly to affect my task."

"I think it will not affect you to do the task, but will affect your peach blossom luck..." Shen Ruyu was not happy, pursed her lips and turned to her side.

Wind also Xiu some understand Shen Ruyu's concerns, it seems that she and fox nine son thing she still did not put down, so will react so fiercely.

"I understand what yu'er is worried about. I have an idea, but I don't know if President Feng can accept it..."

Si fan, who has not spoken all of a sudden, has a strange smile.

"What idea?" Feng Yixiu suddenly had a bad feeling.

"As long as you become a woman, that jade son can be 100% at ease..." Si fan mouth slightly up, light way.

"That's a good idea! That's it As soon as Shen Ruyu's eyes brightened, she immediately decided to make a decision.

"Ah? Can I choose to be ugly? I think it's good to be an ugly man... " The wind also mends the black line.

"No way!"

Shen Ruyu refused Feng Yixiu's request without hesitation.

The wind also repairs a face to look at Si fan, helplessly nodded: "the female's on the female It's only three months anyway. "

"Well I'll start to make masks for you. Just a moment Seeing the wind, the enchanted concubine did not have any objection. Naturally, she would not say anything more.

In any case, there is no necessary relationship between the performance of the task and the appearance. In addition to looking awkward, it doesn't matter.

After a while, the mask of the thousand face fox king had a great change and changed into a beautiful woman's image. It can be said that it is particularly vivid, and there is no flaw at all.

He took off the mask from his face, but under his mask was still a mask with a strange smile, which still could not see his real face.

Magic Ji took the mask and said in a deep voice: "as long as you wear this mask, you can change your appearance and temperament, as well as the appearance of your spirit soldiers and fighting spirits. However, you should pay attention that the shelf life is only three months!"

"War spirit and spirit soldier will also change? Is that amazing? " The wind also repairs Lengleng to take over that mask, surprised way.

"In fact, my war spirit mask is not made out of thin air. The thousand faced fox king has countless face data in his mind, which can be copied as long as he has seen it, including not only the appearance of the body, but also the spirit soldiers and fighting spirit. If you don't believe it, you can try it." Magic Ji explains with a smile.Feng Yixiu slowly put the mask on his face, and immediately felt that the mask and his face were completely integrated, without any flaw.

At the same time, his body shape also had the corresponding change, became a beautiful woman with exquisite curve, but the height did not have any change.

Feng Yixiu summoned his spirit soldier at the first time. It was still a gun, but it was no longer the appearance of the green dragon spear. Instead, it turned into a gorgeous pale white spear. It was completely invisible.

The appearance of his two fighting spirits has also changed dramatically. Except for the size, there is no trace of the past.

Shen Ruyu on one side looked at Feng Yixiu's face at this time. Her eyebrows wrinkled and said in a soft voice, "can I call you Sister Feng now? How beautiful... "

"Poo Hoo..."

Zhang Heng and Si fan and others didn't stop laughing and their faces were red.

"What are you laughing at? Is that funny? " Wind also repair face is black, but found his voice has become a lot thinner.

"President Feng, do you want me to show you a mirror now? It's really fun." Zhang Heng takes out a mirror when he talks.

"No That's OK! I don't want to know what I'm like now Afraid that he could not bear the wind, he immediately stopped Zhang Heng.

Ye Ming looked at Feng Yixiu with great satisfaction and said in a deep voice: "not bad, not bad If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I guess I couldn't believe it. It was like a different person. It should be safe now. "

"Another thing I have to remind you is that my illusions can only cover up the entity. The essence is still unchanged, so you are still a man." Magic Ji reminds way.

"Hoo I was scared to death. I thought my little brother was gone. " Feng Yixiu is a little relieved.


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