Feng Yixiu nodded his head. He spent less time in the central China headquarters, but there was no special mark. However, the team leader's badge still existed.

A glittering wind Department badge appeared in his hand, on which was the wind Department captain's medal representing his identity.

Each badge of the League Headquarters is specially made. Only when I deliver spiritual power can it shine. It is one of the absolutely reliable ways to verify the identity.

The imprint displayed by Roland before is also a reliable way to identify the identity. It uses very special materials, so long as you become a blood spirit Master, it will disappear automatically.

When Roland saw the medal, he said with a smile: "if it doesn't come out of my expectation, you are also a member of the league."

"But how do you know who I am?" Feng also inquired.

"This can only be seen by the people in the headquarters of our league. The jujitsu you use can be seen that you have received very regular training. Ordinary people can not see this trace. Only experts can see it." Roland explained.

Hearing the speech, Feng Yixiu is also aware of his flaws. Although his face can be changed, these details are difficult to control.

The shape and meaning eight trigrams palm and jujitsu that I often use are taught by teacher Jialan Ziyu, and then I follow teacher Xuanji to study deeply. I have already reached a very high attainments.

Both Xuanji and Jialan were members of the central China Alliance before, so it was hard to conceal this unique ancient martial style when teaching Fengyi.

If you let those who have the intention to see their own flaws, or even identify their own identity, I am afraid the consequences will be unimaginable

"Is it possible that the person who sent you didn't know that you were a member of the League Headquarters, or that you were an undercover?" Roland saw the wind also repair the heavy mental appearance, frowned.

Feng also nodded and said in a deep voice, "yes! This time I'm here to eradicate the Taotie magic hall, and knock down the dragon family in collusion with him. "

"Poo Hoo..."

Smell speech, Luo Xueer of one side did not restrain to laugh to come.

"What are you laughing at? Is there anything funny about that? " Wind also repair eyebrows, frown, cold voice.

"Sorry I don't mean to look down on you. You are really strong enough in the same realm. But you are just a six level war spirit king. Do you know what the master of the temple and the dragon master are Luo Xueer explained very seriously.

"Cher, don't be rude!" Roland angrily denounced his sister, which stopped the smile.

"It doesn't matter. What Cher said is true." Feng Yixiu waved his hand with a smile. He was not too angry. He immediately said with a smile, "but I'm not ready to fight with others. The means to achieve our goal is not only force..."

"Is it difficult for Fenger to make any plans?" Roland said curiously.

"I just came in and was put into this ghost place. Now I have no plans for the moment. I can only walk step by step..." Wind also repair helplessly shook his head.

"Cut I thought you had something to do! I think you'd better get out of this place first. " Luo Xueer said coldly.

"By the way I have heard from the prison emissary that this place is an opportunity to go out. I don't know what the method is? " Xiufeng asked the question immediately.

"If the endless arena wants to go out, it must satisfy two conditions: one is to become a traitor on his own; the other is to accumulate 10000 blood points before he can get out of this ghost place, and anyone who can get out of this place will be given special attention." Luo Xueer explained very seriously.

The so-called traitor is a kind of blood spirit Master. He can become a blood spirit Master without going through the blood spirit ceremony. The strength and potential of becoming a blood spirit Master in this way will be more powerful.

The conditions for becoming a traitor are also very harsh. Only by tempering the endless life and death, and stimulating the ultimate desire and evil thoughts in the heart, can we have the probability of success.

Obviously, this endless Colosseum is such a place that he can force a normal person into a cruel and tyrannical monster

According to the law, most of the prisoners here are war spirit masters. They should not be so cruel and cruel. But as soon as Feng Yixiu arrived here, he felt a strong evil atmosphere.

Roland also explained: "in fact, if the second condition is strong enough, it can be achieved over time, but the first condition is really too difficult. I have been here for such a long time, the blood spots have accumulated enough, but I can't do it any way..."

It can be seen that Roland is a man with a strong sense of faith and a sense of justice. Rao has not shaken his faith in such extreme conditions for such a long time.

Otherwise, with her strength, it is impossible not to be valued by the heaven and evil people

"I want to ask how this blood spot should accumulate?" The wind also repairs, the corner of the mouth rises slightly, light way.

"What's the use of that? Anyway, you can't reach the first condition... " Luo Xueer frowned."It's not necessarily..."

After saying that, fengyixiu began to have a subversive change, and the dark smell gradually spread.

Originally, the silver hair turned to light purple, and even the color of pupils began to change, but in the blink of an eye, it became the evil blood spirit Master.

"You How can you be a blood spirit Master

Roland and and Luo Xueer are both stunned. They look at the wind again, and their eyes become a little frightened.

In an instant, the wind also cultivates. The dark breath of terror on his body instantly converges, and becomes the original solemn and dignified appearance, with a harmonious smile on his face.

Both of them were silly. It was the first time for them to see someone switch seamlessly between warspirit master and blood spirit Master. It was just amazing

Rao is a high-level blood spirit Master who wants to hide his identity also needs to do a long time of preparation, and he can't switch freely so easily. It's very difficult to recover his breath after exposure.

If Feng Yixiu did not have the badge of the leader of the wind Department, they would have doubted the true identity of Feng Yixiu

"Now can you tell me how the blood spots were obtained?" Wind also repair a smile, indifferent way.

Luo Xueer nodded his head in a daze and subconsciously responded: "the acquisition of blood points is very simple. As long as you defeat the Warcraft, you can get blood points. And those Warcraft are also unwilling to submit to the Warcraft of heaven and evil people. A Warcraft with its own level will get 10 to 100 blood points."

"Oh? So you can get more blood points by killing Warcraft with higher level than yourself Feng Yixiu quickly captured the key information.

"Yes, you are now the sixth level warlord, and the corresponding level of Warcraft is disaster level. That is to say, you have to hunt hundreds of disaster level Warcraft to accumulate 10000 blood points, and killing natural disaster level Warcraft beyond the level will have a 10 times bonus, that is, 100 to 1000 blood points." Roland went on to explain.

"It's not as difficult as I thought..." The wind shrugged his shoulders and whispered.

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