The next morning.

A large group of blood spirit masters, dressed in black armour, walked with neat steps towards the dark dungeon, led by the ghost faced woman, the prison emissary.

Every day they come and take a group of people to the endless Colosseum, which is one of their daily tasks.

I saw her hand holding a dense list, immediately handed to the side of a black armor guard read.

The black armor guard slowly opened the list and said in a loud voice, "all those who read their names will come out with me. Niu Hao, Zhang He, Li Xiufeng... "

There are dozens of people on this list. These people are the people who need to participate in the endless animal fight today, including fengyixiu.

The cycle for everyone to participate in the endless beast fight is one month. Feng Yixiu has been here for a whole month. Today is his first time to participate in the endless beast fight.

All the people who had been read were gathered together. The door of the dungeon opened slowly, and the people were escorted to a huge prison car in turn.

No one in this group dared to resist, because they had seen so many people who had died in revolt.

For example, half a year ago, a level 8 warrior spirit Zun wanted to escape, and knocked down the prison envoy at that time, and successfully escaped from the dark dungeon.

But before he ran far away, the warden made a move. In less than a minute, the eight level warrior spirit Master who escaped was cut off his legs and sent back again. As usual, he participated in the endless fighting of beasts. Without doubt, he died at the mouth of powerful Warcraft.

The men were sent in batches to huge carts, and they were given heavy shackles. This shackle seems to have the effect of suppressing spiritual power, which makes people feel very heavy.

When she saw Feng Yixiu, she was a little surprised. She didn't think that Feng Yixiu could really survive her new life and seemed to be living well.

"I didn't expect you were still alive. It seems that you can take advantage of being a woman..." Prison makes cold eye look at the wind also repair, light way.

The wind also Xiu a light smile, did not pay attention to the prison envoy, but calmly walked into the prison cart, very casual sitting on the ground, began to close his eyes.

Seeing Feng Yixiu, the prison emissary ignored himself. A trace of anger appeared on his face hidden under the mask of ghost faces. He said angrily: "however, the Warcraft in this arena will not be merciful. Today will be the last day of your life. Enjoy it..."

After all the numbers were counted, the huge chariot drove slowly towards the exit of the dark dungeon.

"Arrogant, you must come back alive!"

"Miss Cher, don't try to be brave. We'll wait for you to come back!"

Feng Yixiu, in the state of keeping his eyes closed, hears a familiar voice. When he opens his eyes, he sees Luo Xueer and Roland and and others standing in front of the pillars of the dungeon, waving to themselves.

The wind also Xiu smiles and nods silently. It feels warm in my heart.

But I won't come back. I don't have time to wait for next month

All of them were held in the same prison cart, and most of them were very scared on their faces, especially the new people who went to the endless arena for the first time.

Although they have never been to the endless arena, they will see a group of people being taken to participate in the endless arena every day!

But there are a very small number of people who do not seem to be too nervous. These people are not the first time to participate in the endless Colosseum. They are also old people here.

There is no doubt that their strength is indisputable, otherwise they will not survive in the endless Colosseum.

And these people are all around one person. It's Niu Hao, a seven level fighting spirit Master, who has been looking for trouble before.

"Brother Niu, you are the only one among us who has reached 10000 blood points. You should give us some advice later..."

"Yes, yes We are not as strong as brother Niu. We can only rely on your advice. If we can come back alive, I will repay you well... "

"We are very lucky this time. We even got into a group with brother Niu. I feel much more secure now."

A few quite a few charming women full of flattery stood beside Niu Hao, constantly kneading their legs and kneading their shoulders.

"Of course, it's not a problem. I've been here for eight years, and I've eaten more salt than you have. I can say that I know the Warcraft here like the palm of one's hand. With a little guidance, I can point out the characteristics and weaknesses of each Warcraft. As long as you follow Laozi, you can all come back safely. " Niu Hao seems to enjoy the feeling of being flattered by people and laughs.

Smell speech, at the beginning there are some unknown, so the new people also toward the old cow that side surrounded in the past, began to ask about the endless arena.

Only Feng Yixiu and a few people did not take any action. Feng Yixiu sat quietly in the same place, keeping his eyes closed and ignoring the noise of those people.

Niu Hao naturally noticed Feng Yixiu. He thought he would ask for advice after hearing these words, but he didn't think he was still unmoved."Hello! Tigress, do you need me to explain the situation of the Colosseum to you? I don't know how to die even if I don't know when to die... " The old cow looked down at the wind also repair, light way.

The wind also Xiu did not even open his eyes, light way: "no, I have no interest to know, also do not need to know."

I am a person who has a system. No matter what Warcraft can grasp all the information at a glance, do you still need to listen to you?

Besides, the purpose of this old cow is not simple, and he doesn't need to owe others a favor

"Hum! Things that don't know good or bad... " Niu Hao angrily rebuked.

"Brother Niu, I don't think this woman can be flattered. You are so kind as to help her, but she is ungrateful. You should let her live and die on her own. What should I do with him?" An enchanting woman in blue, yin and Yang strange airway.

"It's also about Why should Laozi pay attention to a dying man Niu Hao chuckled and shook his head.

"Brother Niu, you said that you have reached 10000 blood points. Why haven't you gone out of this ghost place? Is it so hard to be a rebel? " The woman in blue who just spoke asked curiously.

"What do you know! Ben Niu stayed here on purpose, otherwise he would have been out earlier Around Niu Hao's side, the woman in red shaved the man with a cold voice.

"I don't see. You little girl knows a lot." Niu Hao glanced at the woman who had just talked with surprise, and then said, "in fact, I had deliberately refused the invitation of Taotie magic hall, in order to come to this endless arena!"

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