The black magic envoy returned the microphone to the host and slowly returned to his seat. He wanted to ask the reason, but he didn't dare.

The head of the hall suddenly said, "this human woman is not simple It's still the choice of ten, but this time not only did not increase the difficulty, but also greatly reduced the difficulty. "

"Lord? What do you mean by that? Can one pick ten make it easier? " The black devil was confused and full of question marks.

"That's why you don't know much about the spider. The spider has a strong sense of territory and is extremely arrogant. It will never cooperate with other Warcraft animals!" The head of Niutou Temple explained.

Smell speech, black devil makes this just suddenly realize, just still elated face is green instantly.

Damn Another one!

"My Lord, Li Xiufeng is so young that she should not have such a wide range of knowledge. It must be that she did not think of this floor. It may be a mistake..." After the dark devil calmed down, he said with a smile.

"Maybe To be honest, I don't believe it. Just look at how he responds, and you can see what he really thinks The main face of Niutou hall is expressionless, and his eyes are always on the arena under the stage.

The host picked up the microphone again and said, "this new man is really a group of dark horses. He even chose to jump over the level to challenge. He is still a powerful Warcraft on the list of ten natural disasters. Can he create a miracle! Let's wait and see! "

During the host's speech, the prison emissary has completed the operation, and the name of Warcraft on the public large screen changes again, from purple gold box to black gold box.

A row of neat black and gold box visual effect is extremely shocking, from top to bottom is No.1 ~ No.10, the first is the evil eye spider!

Feng Yixiu is too lazy to look up at the big screen. Anyway, it's enough to know that the strongest of the ten Warcraft is the evil eye spider. He doesn't want to know what other Warcraft are, and he doesn't need to know


After everything is ready, the endless arena began to appear in all directions of the space tearing phenomenon, various elements of the storm in a frenzied rage.

These 10 dark cracks bring a very shocking visual effect, which is not comparable to the disaster level Warcraft before.

Feng Yixiu didn't stand in the middle of the endless arena this time. He suddenly began to stride in the air and rushed towards the biggest dark crack in the sky.

For a while, everyone was confused. It was the dark crack of the spider. What did he want to do?

I saw that the speed of the wind also repair to the extreme, a few sudden air steps, like a thunder in the rush.

To everyone's surprise, fengyixiu even bypassed the dark crack, came to the back of the dark crack, and began to slow down all his breath.

"This What is this operation? It's just self deception... "

"Is she afraid? Isn't it just arrogant? "

"But is it too late to hide now? Those Warcraft are not idiots. Even if the evil eye spider can't see him, other Warcraft can also see him..."

Everyone in the audience is a face of doubt, before crazy can not, now hide in the beginning!

All the people in the audience showed their disdain, but only the black devil emissary and the head of the cow hall looked dignified.

"The Lord of the temple really guessed well She really knows the habits of the spider The dark devil made a bitter smile and said softly.

The head of the bullhead hall nodded slightly and did not speak. Instead, he was staring at what happened on the Colosseum.

This human woman is not only superior in strength, but also very knowledgeable. She really understands the habits and characteristics of the spider.

And also can use this habit to fight, this kind of contingency ability is very terrible

At the moment, the owner of the Taurus hall was more and more frightened. He already felt that he had to keep the wind and repair, even if it was against the rules of the endless arena! i_saw_that_the_head_of_the_hall_of_ox_head_gathered_a_black_mace_ , _which_was_his_own_magic_weapon_ , _with_the_terrible_destructive_power_of_destroying_the_heaven_and_the_earth_ ._

If Feng yixiuzhen encounters any life danger, he will immediately take action

Feng Yixiu is now in a very tricky position. Since the position of the spider is in the center, all other Warcraft can see feng Yixiu as soon as they come out.

If you want to see more of them, you will not be able to attract them!


The low roar came from the dark crack in front of Feng Yixiu. It was a test of psychological quality to be close to the spider.

Feng Yixiu didn't move from beginning to end, and he held his breath. Rao's heart beat slowly.

In the noisy environment, the spider did not find the wind behind him. Instead, he noticed several Warcraft beasts around him and made a low warning roar.Those Warcraft seemed to be a little afraid of the evil eye spider. Although they saw the wind, they did not dare to come near.

But other Warcraft did not come, does not mean that the evil eye spider will not pass, only saw it demonstrated toward the second ranked Jade Scorpion roaring.

Jasper scorpion, as the second most powerful beast on the list of natural disasters, is not as fierce as the spider with evil eye, but it can't afford to lose face in front of so many Warcraft.


Jasper scorpion is not close, high waving Jasper poison needle hanging behind, dark green poison from the tail needle in the seam a little bit.

See the evil eye spider without warning, it suddenly spit out a huge lava web from its abdomen, and it covers the Jade Scorpion in the past.

The evil eye spider was taught a lesson by the head of the ox hall before, and was in a bad mood. Since this Jade Scorpion dare to challenge itself, it is even more furious!

The Green Jade Scorpion did not expect that the evil eye spider did not agree with each other, but actually started to do so. She was caught off guard, and the fiery net made the Jade Scorpion unable to move at all.

However, the most unfortunate is the fourth lava giant beside Jasper scorpion. It is honest and honest, but it has been caught by a huge spider web for no reason.

The tenacity of the spider silk with the thickness of the arm is amazing. No matter how the Jade Scorpion and the giant lava beast struggle, they can't get rid of the spider web.

Evil eye spider is not only amazing in size, but also very terrible in strength. Two natural disaster level Warcraft are easily dragged by it.

It's like a top fisherman who takes back the net bit by bit. It seems to enjoy the fun of hunting, whether the prey is human or Warcraft, it is the same!

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