Just when Feng Yixiu stopped the language, the head of Gongsun Hall said, "if Miss Fenger doesn't dislike it, she can come to Xueling hall to guide our work, and I can give up my position as the hall leader."

"I don't know what the blood spirit hall is responsible for? I don't know if I can do it... " Feng Yixiu inquired mildly.

"Xueling hall controls the financial power of Taotie magic hall. Its main work includes the research of spirit project, and is responsible for the management of treasure house and account supervision." Gongsun hall leader immediately responded.

"Well That's quite suitable for me. After all, I don't like to fight and kill. " Feng Yixiu tried to resist the joy in his heart and hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

The function of the blood spirit hall is similar to that of the forest Department of the warspirit alliance. It controls the financial power, which naturally includes financial relations with the outside world.

If you become the head of the blood spirit hall, it's not easy to get a strong proof of the dragon family's collusion

"But I have an unkind request. I hope it will be done. " The head of Gongsun hall turned and said with a smile.

Suddenly, Feng Yixiu became a little nervous and said in a deep voice, "but it's OK to say that. If you can help, it will not be delayed."

"In fact, it's not a big deal. I hope I can study under your door and become an apprentice." Gongsun said respectfully.

"Gongsun hall master, you are a master of spirit research and one of the elders of Taotie magic hall. Isn't that good?" Deputy hall Lord a face startled way.

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that the master is the teacher! I'm afraid miss feng'er won't let me be an apprentice... " The head of Gongsun hall, with an iron heart, has been watching the wind.

"I don't dare to learn. At most, it's just communication. Hall leader Gongsun's words are heavy..." The wind also builds the guest's airway.

"The student will take it that you have agreed, and I will give you this order now." Gongsun hall master quickly took out his hall leader's token and took it to Feng Yixiu's face with both hands.

Feng also corrected that when he was ready to take it, he was shot by a powerful force before he touched it. The whole arm felt numb.

"Look at my head. I forgot to transfer the blood point to you when I was excited. Only the high priest level is qualified to inherit the position of the head of the blood spirit hall. I will transfer the blood point to you now."

Niutou Temple master took out his own hall master order. After a while, he transferred all the blood spots of more than one billion yuan to Feng Yixiu.

The deputy hall master and Gongsun hall master also responded and transferred their blood spots to fengyixiu one after another.

Before fengyixiu, the sacrificial commander has been upgraded to the grand one, which is the highest level of existence except for the orders of the main hall and the deputy hall.

However, there will be different positions for the same high priest. For example, the positions of senior elder and master in the blood blade hall and blood spirit hall are also high priest level.

The difference between the high priest and the blood spirit hall leader is equivalent to the relationship between military rank and specific position. It is no longer just a nominal name, but has real power.

It can be said that it has a great power of discourse and real power among the heaven and evil people.

The grand sacrifice commander is not only a symbol of identity and level, but also has the function of storing blood points, which can display the amount of blood points.

At this time, the blood point data on the sacrifice commander of fengyixiu is so long that people's scalp is numb. A series of nine digit numbers are enviable and are about to drool

In one day, you can earn 300 million blood points, which is a dream that many people can't reach in their lifetime!

However, this admiration comes back to admiration. No one dares to have any wrong thoughts about Feng Yixiu. If he dares to move the wind and repair, it will be no different from suicide.

After all, Zhou Yuan is a bloody example

Looking at the balance of fengyixiu's blood spots, the master of Niutou hall laughed and said: "it's really helpless! As the master of Taotie magic hall, my blood spots are only a little more than you, eh... "

Feng Yixiu smiles and doesn't respond. He just puts the order of the grand sacrifice commander and the master of the blood spirit hall together.

What's a mere 300 million blood points? I'm ready to make everyone in Taotie magic hall roar again, one can pit one!

This is a good thing that can make money and trap people. Feng Yixiu has always been a pleasure

Feng Yixiu exchanged greetings with the head of the Taurus hall and others for a long time, and then, at the invitation of the head of the Taurus hall, he came to the Taotie palace for a feast.

It can be said that this banquet really gathered all the big people in Taotie magic hall, and all of them were fighting for Xiangfeng to make a toast.

After eating and drinking, Feng was also cultivated. Soon after he left the Taotie palace, many old generals of Taotie magic hall were surrounded by Feng.

"My Lord, can you help me write a research plan for the spirit? It's a good price to say!"

"Go, go! Obviously, I asked first. Go to the back line for me

"As long as the hall leader is willing to help me write a spiritual research plan, I am willing to give a hundred million blood points!"


Almost all the elders of Taotie magic hall came here. They didn't dare to mention it at the banquet just now. As soon as they got out of the Taotie palace, they couldn't stand it.After all, everyone wants to be stronger, even if it costs a lot of blood

Feng Yixiu, of course, is not afraid to accept all the spiritual research mission books prepared by all the elders.

Among these elders, the lowest level is level 7 and level 9, and most of them are level 8 battle spirit masters, which can be said to be the mainstay of Taotie magic hall.

As long as Feng Yixiu has buried all these people, it will be easy to attack Taotie hall in the future

After another puff of praise, everyone went away, leaving Feng Yixiu and Sylvia, and gongsunrang staying in place.

Seeing that Feng also collected a stack of task books, Gongsun rang sighed, "don't you choose one?"

When accepting the mission of spiritual research, most spiritual practitioners will carefully identify whether it is possible to complete it. However, Feng Yixiu does not look at it and accept it completely.

Feng Yixiu waved his hand and said faintly, "what is there to choose from? Mr. Gongsun may be looking at the task of researching spirit, but in my eyes, these are all tickets!"

Gongsun let everyone be blinded, and involuntarily stretched out his thumb and said in a deep voice, "an expert is an expert, and the depth of his thought is beyond the comprehension of us ordinary spiritual masters."

Feng Yixiu, smiling, collected all the research tasks and said with a smile, "where is the blood spirit hall? Please show me the way... "

"Follow me, please!"

Gongsun rang immediately led the way ahead. Feng Yixiu and Sylvia immediately followed him.

When Feng Yixiu came to the Xueling hall, he took over all the work of the master with Gongsun rang.

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