"Lord, I'm going to leave."

Seeing Gongsun rang out of the office, Sylvia is ready to keep up with him.

"Sister weia, why are you so out of touch with me..." The wind also repairs a smile way.

"Now you are a high priest and the head of the blood spirit hall. I can't call you younger martial sister..." Sylvia turned slowly, softly.

"What's wrong with this? If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I didn't have today. I haven't really thank you yet." Feng Yixiu is very serious.

"I didn't help you for your thanks. I just saw you remind me of a person." Said Sylvia softly.

"Who is it?" The wind is also a little curious.

"A human little girl, if it wasn't for her, I'm afraid I wouldn't have lived to this day." There was a ripple in Sylvia's eyes, as if she remembered something sad.

"Oh? You're an immortal Warcraft. What do you have to do with a human little girl? " I'm more interested in the wind.

"I was not born immortal Warcraft. Well, in fact, I was just a white cotton snake in the zoo a long time ago. I should have lived a carefree life, but suddenly there was a change. At that time, all the abnormal animals in the zoo were disposed of, but my keeper risked being punished and secretly released me, the keeper It's also a human little girl... " Sylvia whispered.

"What about the little girl now?" Feng also inquired.

"It's been more than a hundred years, don't you think?" 'asked Sylvia.

"Well When I didn't ask. " Feng Yixiu touched his chin awkwardly.

"At that time, I often sneaked back to look for her, but as I got bigger and bigger, I had to quit the human range and come to live in the wilderness isolation area, and I never saw her again." Sylvia whispered.

"But then how did you get into the Taotie hall?" Feng Yixiu then asked.

"I thought I could be a little calmer in the mang Huang isolation area, but I didn't expect that the world of Warcraft would be more cruel. Only by constantly strengthening can I not be eaten by Warcraft, but these are not worth mentioning in terms of the danger that human beings bring to me." Sylvia's eyes were burning and she said in a deep voice.

"If you don't guess wrong, you should have been targeted by the powerful human beings?" The wind also repairs eyebrows and frowns.

"Yes, I haven't hurt a human on the way of evolution, but I don't know why they want to kill me all the time, but I can only join the Taotie magic hall." Sylvia sighed.

Hearing the speech, Feng Yixiu also fell into meditation. He did not know how to answer this question.

It is undeniable that most of the Warcraft are ferocious, but there are also a few Warcraft are very gentle, but they are also forced to the end by the Terran strongmen.

"After I joined the Taotie magic hall, I was not willing to carry out those missions to fight with human beings. As a result, many reward tasks could not be done, and the accumulation of blood points over the years was relatively slow." Sylvia gave a bitter smile and said softly.

"I mean, with your strength, you should not be just a low priest..." The wind also cultivates, this just suddenly realizes.

"Ah I really envy you. I can exchange so many blood points with my pen. It's a pity that I'm so stupid. I can't learn how to write like a snake. " Sylvia sighed.

Feng Yixiu smiles, and immediately takes out his big sacrifice commander, then carries on the operation, and transfers 50 million blood points to Sylvia.

"You What are you doing After seeing the action of Feng Yixiu, Sylvia said in surprise.

"You deserve it. Don't put it off." A faint smile.

"But there are too many I can't spend it all. " Sylvia was a little frightened.

"That's your business, but I'd like to remind you that you'd better spend it in a month!" Feng Yixiu showed a mysterious smile and whispered.

"A month, but why?" Sylvia didn't understand.

"Don't ask me about it. In a word, you should spend it quickly." Feng Yixiu did not give a positive answer. He immediately asked, "if you have a chance, would you like to return to the zoo?"

"How wonderful the zoo is It's very comfortable to eat and cover every day. If you have nothing to do, you can bask in the sun! Why not? " Sylvia murmured, wondering.

"So it is I thought none of those animals would like to be in the zoo A faint smile.

"The zoo is a paradise compared to the wilderness, OK! But maybe I met a good keeper. I don't know what other animals think... " Said Sylvia to herself.

"Then you can think of me as a breeder I don't need money anyway A faint smile.

"I'm not polite! Elder martial sister, go shopping in the treasure Pavilion first Sylvia was a little excited to see the big sacrifice commander who shook her hands and disappeared into a light in the office.The wind also reclined on the chair, staring at the ceiling and pondering for a long time, then said to himself, "when did the complete break between man and Warcraft begin?"

He vaguely remembers the history of the ancient times. There were still many Warcraft standing on the side of human beings. The earth shaking war was not only a battle between humans and Warcraft, but also helped by Warcraft.

However, not all of them are Warcraft, but also have the help of human blood spirit masters. The two are not completely opposite.

But now human and Warcraft are in the same situation. It is impossible to stand on the same front.

Rao is a kind-hearted Warcraft like Sylvia who has been forced to join the heavenly evil crowd. This is really worthy of human reflection

After an hour, Feng Yixiu got up again and began to take out all the reward tasks.

These reward tasks almost cover all the core backbone of Taotie magic hall, the elders of blood blade hall, and several offerings of the memorial hall.

A total of more than a dozen reward tasks, although they can not get as high as the head of the bull hall, but also tens of millions of big money.

These reward missions add up to nearly 500 million blood points. With the blood spots that Feng Yixiu had originally owned, he seems to be the richest man in the Taotie magic palace!

I'm afraid that the main and secondary assets of the main hall and Niutou hall are not so strong

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