A giant beast like a dragon, with a body size of more than 100 meters, has a pair of shining sharp horns on its head, and its scales radiate a reddish gold luster.

This tuntian Niugu evolved from red thunder cattle black, and evolved from thunder based Warcraft to fire and thunder dual attribute tuntian niushen


Tuntian niuzhen even bit the star God giant sword, which was attacking in the face. The high-speed rotating star God giant sword was forced to stop in an instant.

The giant sword of the star God was shaking violently, but he could not escape the biting of the sharp teeth of the swallowing cattle. Luo Xingyun's brow could not help wrinkling.


Only a clear sound sounded, and the star God sword was directly bitten into two pieces, one of which was completely swallowed up by the swallowing tianniugu.

The sharp star sword was chewed and rattled. Swallowing tianniugu was like eating snacks!

"Two ignorant people! You have some skills to force me to use the real world of Warcraft, but that's the end of it

After the master of the Niutou hall was transformed into a swallowing ox, his voice became extremely thick, which was like a drum in the evening.

Luo Xingyun's spirit soldiers were broken, the corners of his mouth also spilled a trace of blood, and his eyes became somewhat dignified.

Ye Ming is once again back to Luo Xingyun's side, no longer easy to launch an attack

"Commander, the bull head is a little fierce. Isn't the time yet?" Ye Ming asked in a low voice.

Feng also took a look at the time and said in a deep voice, "there are still about three minutes left. The two marshals will stick to it for a while."

"Three minutes is no problem." Ye Ming nodded and immediately looked at Luo Xingyun and said with a smile, "Marshal Luo, are you ok?"

"It's not a big problem..." Luo Xingyun whispered.

Two people stand side by side, their magic card book began to calm down automatically, a series of magic spirit cards began to float out.

They also dare not be careless in the face of the dominating level of tuntian Niuxi, and all the magic spirit cards are armed and enchanted.

Great changes have taken place in the eight wasteland and the golden winged sky cloud sculptures, both in shape and momentum.

Ye Ming and Luo Xingyun both have diamond level magic cards. They haven't been fighting all out for a long time.

Because there are few opportunities for them to fight seriously, and this longhorn beetle is an excellent target.

Luo Xingyun is good at fighting in the air, while Ye Ming is good at fighting on the ground. Their tacit understanding is full.

During the war, Feng Yixiu did not forget to scan the two marshals' fighting spirits.

[war spirit name]: Golden winged sky cloud sculpture

[war spirit attribute]: Gold

[war spirit level]: Ultimate Body

[war spirit level]: Level 9 and level 7

[war spirit quality]: insight eye, chasing the wind and the sun, dancing eight times, chopping in the air

[spirit promotion requirements]:

Undoubtedly, it is a very powerful king level war spirit, and it is a strong attack system war spirit which is biased towards speed!

Among them, the first two combat spirit skills are state skills. The insight eye can make the golden winged sky cloud Eagle have the insight to anticipate the enemy first. As long as the opponent's speed does not exceed him, it will be in an invincible position.

And the Second World War Spirit skill is also a speed-up state skill, which can make the speed of the golden winged sky cloud sculpture rise suddenly, and the highest speed can be increased by 10 times!

For a speed type strong attack spirit, speed can be converted into attack power.

As for the other two Warcraft skills, they are purely offensive skills. The eight hit random dance is a group attack, and the air clear chop is the strongest straight line attack.

Because Luo Xingyun's star sword is too strong, he seldom has the opportunity to show his fighting spirit's strength, so many people speculate that his fighting spirit's actual combat ability is not strong.

But now, no one will have such childish ideas. The golden winged sky cloud sculpture can be said to be a model of speed type war spirit!

"Eight blows of dancing!" Although Luo Xingyun temporarily lost the spirit soldier, he was still not a bit flustered.

Under the amplitude of several magic cards, the golden winged sky cloud sculpture has completely turned into a dazzling golden light, leaving an infinite golden neon interwoven with the ultimate speed.

No one can see how many times the golden winged cloud Eagle launched in just three seconds, but can only see countless Mars diffuse.

There are obvious marks on the hard scales of tuntianniu. The fierce pain makes it emit a dull roar

"Damn it! Damned bird, I won't beat you down

Thunder and flame elements began to condense between the two horns of the extremely angry tuntian Niugu, and gradually converged and compressed to form a compressed element gun.

But before it was finished, the eight savages rushed towards it, like a giant bulldozer. He didn't know how many blood spirit Masters had been lifted up along the way."Laoniutou, you have not forgotten me, have you?" Ye Ming stood behind the fierce eight wasteland, carrying a huge endless hammer on his shoulder, and said in a loud voice, "liaotianding!"

The length of the huge sharp corner on the top of the eight wasters is more than 10 meters, and the sharp degree is obvious!

Tuntian Niugu had to give up its energy and instead attacked it with a pair of sharp horns. Its two horns were even more terrifying than those of the eight savages


Without any fancy, two powerful giants slammed into each other like Mars hitting the earth.

Some of the huge Taotie altars couldn't bear the terrible impact. The challenge arena with a diameter of several kilometers broke into several pieces from the center, and the hot melt slowly penetrated through the cracks.

Many people on the ground have squatted down to stabilize the center of gravity, for fear of rolling to the molten slurry.

In such imperial battles, ordinary blood spirit masters are risking their lives even when they watch battles

Just as they were in a standoff, a sound of eagle's voice rang out from heaven and earth, only to see a V-shaped golden waterfall falling from the sky.

This is the most powerful fourth battle spirit skill of the golden winged sky cloud carving!

The destructive power of Kongming chop is directly proportional to the speed of golden winged sky cloud carving. As long as the speed is faster, the more terrifying its destructive power is!

The golden winged cloud sculpture has been flying several kilometers away, and the buffer distance has been stretched to the extreme.

The gold feather on its wings is as thin as a cicada's wing, and it is irresistible!

After feeling the chill on his back, tuntianniu took a step backward subconsciously. Then he saw a golden waterfall falling in front of him!

It felt a slow fall of its own horn, as well as the gradual loss of balance of the head, and finally felt a trace of fear.

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