Feng Yixiu and others followed Mr. Zhu's steps and came to a very hidden room. This is the place to record the appearance information of the war spirit and make holograms.

Carefully, he found that the room didn't seem to have been used for a long time. He directly asked Mr. Zhu, "Mr. Zhu, did other students come here before us?"

"Two days ago, teacher Zuo of class a came with his students. Two students have successfully evolved. I also recorded holograms for them, but the finished product has not come out yet." Zhu replied as he worked.

"Oh? Are they Bai Tang and Lin xue'er from class a? " Shen Ruyu is also interested.

"Yes, both of them are elemental spirits, and it's expected that they can evolve perfectly, but they are both perfect evolution of double s, which is still worse than you." Zhu said with a smile.

"Teacher, can you tell us what war spirit they have evolved?" Han Xiao asked with a smile.

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't tell you that. I hope you can understand. If they ask me about your information, I won't say it." Zhu teacher suddenly serious way.

"Miss Zhu, it's us who are abrupt." Feng Yixiu answered the phone in a hurry.

"It doesn't matter. Your students are excellent! It can be said that it is the best one in the history of Qingyun University! " Mr. Zhu looked at Feng Yixiu and said with a smile, "it's really the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead. This is also the luck of Qingyun University."

In the whole history of Qingyun University, there are only six perfect level war spirits in the growing period. Five of them have appeared in this session. It's a terrible achievement!

"In fact, it's all well taught by our teacher Jialan..." The wind also touched his nose and said with a smile.

"Well, it's all recorded. It'll be on display in three days." After finishing all the work, Mr. Zhu said in a deep voice.

"Then we'll go first."

Feng Yixiu said hello to Mr. Zhu and walked out of the evolution building.

As soon as Han Xiao came out of the evolution building, he patted Feng Yixiu on the shoulder. After a moment of silence, he said in a loud voice, "brother, thank you!"

Although he is a descendant of an aristocratic family, he is just a low-level fighting spirit. If he doesn't meet the wind, he will be like this in his whole life.

In the past, Feng Yixiu said that he wanted to be the king of the Holy Spirit. He thought it was just a joke. But after today, he may realize that what Feng Yixiu said is true!

Wind also repair is Leng for a long time, then smile hehe way: "you want to say again, don't say is my elder brother in the future."

Shen Ruyu also said with a smile: "brother Han, if you really thank us, you can invite us to eat more delicious food in the future."

"That's nature! Don't talk about Qingyun restaurant in the future. When we have time, let's go to Qianyang building to have dinner together Han Xiao patted his chest and said happily.

"That's a deal! But now let's go to Qingyun restaurant. Although the teacher doesn't arrange training this afternoon, we can't be lazy ourselves Feng Yixiu takes Han Xiao's shoulder and walks to Qingyun restaurant.

However, it happened that Feng Yixiu and others once again met those people in class A. although they took the same elevator, they did not say a word during the elevator ride.

Since the last conflict with the class a people, Baitang they really become a lot of convergence, and did not take the initiative to find trouble.

"The wind is also blowing. We will have the class qualifying in a week. I hope to meet you again." Bai Tang is very abnormal and suddenly opens his mouth.

"Don't worry! There is a chance! " The wind also repairs the cold voice.

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