The elder sister in Xin Tianyue's mouth is mu ziyue. However, mu ziyue's task is so entangled that she can't come back.

So he contacted her friends, Geng Bai and Xin Tianyue.

If Feng Yixiu can't take part in the competition, I'm afraid it's just a few of them who need to represent Nu scale

Ren Tianze heard that it was mu ziyue who called them back, but also showed a subtle smile.

It seems that mu ziyue is also very concerned about the result of this competition, otherwise, he will not specially ask Geng Bai and Xin Tianyue to come to help.

"Let's hurry up and get going." Xuanji teacher saw several people also almost familiar, looked at the eye time, then deep voice way.

Feng Yixiu and others also nodded and immediately summoned their respective fighting spirits. They were able to fly in pairs.

Han Xiao and the end of the eastern summer are the passengers on the nine Youming tiger, while Shen Ruyu is on the Dragon Bird in the summer.

Geng Bai's war spirit division is a blizzard lion, which is a very domineering snow white lion. Xin Tianyue and Geng Bai ride the fighting spirit together.

And Xuanji and Jialan Ziyu are not riding the panda wine fairy, but the golden wine gourd behind the panda Jiuxian.

Seeing the wind, the golden wine gourd grows to more than 20 meters in a blink of an eye. It looks very windy in appearance.

"Windmaster, you must come back safely! We are waiting for your good news

"It's up to you whether we can turn over this time. We must refuel!"

"Come on Come on

All the angry scale students looked at Feng Yixiu and others who were gradually away, waving their arms.

Almost half of them are from the source family, including Lin zhujiu and lengfan, as well as the spirit department and the force department

Han Xiao and the eastern end of Xia and others also smile and say goodbye to everyone, until completely invisible, then slowly turn around.

Xuantian college is located in Xuantian Island, one of the four sacred islands, in the north of the four directions, and it is also very far away from Nu scale island.

It took Feng Yixiu and others a long time to get from Nu scale island to Xuantian Island, which is also an empty Island suspended on the sea of clouds.

The closer this is to Xuantian Island, they can see that many teams are also approaching Xuantian Island, but they are keeping a corresponding distance with the team led by Xuanji teacher.

People stopped in front of the main gate of Xuantian college. All of them jumped down from the fighting spirit and chose to walk into Xuantian college. This is also a basic etiquette.

"After entering Xuantian college, Ziyu and I will apply for residence first. You can go to the registration office by yourself." Xuanji teacher specially explained a sentence.

"Don't worry, teacher. We are not children any more. There is no problem with this little matter." At the end of the summer, the East quickly responded.

Xuanji teacher nodded, spinning even with a blue purple jade toward the depths of Xuantian college.

Feng Yixiu and others did not rush to find the registration office, but were attracted by the Xuanwu statue at the gate of Xuantian college.

The size of the Xuanwu statue is similar to that of the Green Dragon Statue, but it does look like a huge mountain, very oppressive.

The whole body of the Holy Spirit is dark black. The tortoise shell has golden and blue spines, a huge dragon head and powerful Unicorn legs. The most amazing thing is that its tail is a huge snake.

"This is the legendary Xuanwu It's better to see than to hear Han Xiao is also fascinated by the Xuanwu statue in front of him.

"What's the fake? I'll take you to see you when I have time. Really... " Feng Yixiu said in a half joking tone.

"Don't fool me. I'll be satisfied to see the statue." Han Xiao obviously didn't believe it.

Since Feng Yixiu and others entered Xuantian college, they found that students here seemed to keep a distance when they saw them.

Although they did not explicitly point out to them, their eyes could not deceive people. They were hostile to Feng Yixiu and others

Shen Ruyu's feeling is also very keen. In a low voice, she whispered in the wind: "do you think that the people of Xuantian college don't seem to welcome us?"

Feng Yixiu smiles and says, "isn't this a normal thing? We angry scale and Xuantian's dean didn't deal with them, and there are many Han family's children here. If they greet us with a smile, I feel terrible... "

At the end of the eastern Xia Dynasty, he was also angry and said: "these people are really hateful. Brother Hanxiao is the second young master of the Han family. If they don't say hello, they even pretend that they don't know us."

Han Xiao also frowned, patted the shoulder of the eastern summer, and said in a deep voice: "it's OK. I'm used to it anyway. They say hello to me, and I don't want to pay attention to them! Let's go to the report office first. "

At the end of the summer, Dongfang nodded and immediately asked some students who were wearing the uniform of Xuantian college, but their reactions were surprisingly similar.They first looked at Feng Yixiu and others, and then saw that their chest symbolized the badge of Nu scale college. After that, all of them waved their hands to show that they didn't know.

"That's too much! The host has no manners at all. How can we treat us like this as guests At the end of the summer in the East, his hands were akimbo and he was breathing.

"Forget it! There seems to be a map board of Xuantian college. The registration office should be in the central building. Let's go and have a look Feng Yixiu is helpless. After all, he can't arrest people just because they don't lead the way.

Just as Feng Yixiu was about to find his registration place, a group of people in blue and blue uniforms came straight up to them, blocking their way.

Feng Yixiu thought he was looking for trouble. He said with no expression: "do you have anything clear?"

A cold faced man with a armband of the captain said in a deep voice, "are you looking for the check-in Office of the central building?"

Wind also repair Leng for a while, immediately nodded: "yes, we really want to report to the place."

"We came earlier, and the report has been finished. Let me take you to..." The man's voice sank.

Thank you very much Feng Yixiu quickly hugged his fist and said, "my name is Feng Yixiu, the captain of the angry scale team."

"Captain Feng, don't introduce me. Your name is like thunder. I don't know." The man in blue smiles, "my name is Kong Pei, the captain of Cang Lei team."

"It turns out that Cang Lei is one of the new generation. I've heard a lot about it..." Feng Yixiu responded immediately.

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