"Naturally, it's not as good as it is, but if I'm not wrong, your ultimate goal should be to win the championship?" Xuanji teacher pondered for a while, continued: "you just stopped yuan Shenya to continue to hand, I am afraid it is also out of this consideration?"

"So what?" Shao Si Ming didn't care.

"What I want to say is that since your ultimate goal is to win the championship, you must hide your cards. However, participating in the top 100 qualifying may make us lose face in China, but you will also expose a lot of cards, and you may be injured. This is not a good thing for the final..." Xuanji teacher's eyes are cold, deep voice.

For a time, Shao Siming was silent, and he stopped yuan Shenya's hand for this reason.

Originally, he thought that with the powerful strength of the sun and moon team, even if it was exposed, it would be OK to crush it in the past.

But since Feng Yixiu showed her great strength, her ideas have changed completely and become less unscrupulous.

Feng Yixiu is one of the biggest variables. He is not sure that after the sun and Moon Team exposes its strength, the angry scale team will develop tactics to deal with them, which will be very unfavorable for their final decisive battle

"Ha ha With these crooked melons and split dates in the top 100 qualifying, our sun and moon teams don't need to expose their strength at all. How can the situation you said appear? "

With this remark, the whole Xuantian arena was boiling again, and all the teams in the preparation area were furious.

"Hello! Who do you think is crooked melon split date! We are the first to refuse to accept it

"Yes! We haven't been insulted by this kind of insult, and we've been deceiving too much! "

"It's also one of our magic shadow teams! Even if we try our best, we will let you lose a layer of skin! "


Several teams from the preparation area rushed up one after another, and the referee who maintained order on the scene did not intercept them.

These teams are the best in the new century. Each team has its own characteristics and its strength is undoubtedly strong.

Among them, the strength of the king's plane team and the frenzy team is the most terrifying. They have won the first and second seats in the top 100 qualifying competition for eight consecutive sessions.

Although these teams are competitors on weekdays, the relationship is also very tense, but in dealing with the provocation of the sun and moon corps, it is an extraordinary unity.

All the members of the machine King team and the frenzy team have summoned their own fighting spirit. They are all extreme war spirits!

Among them, Dan Taiyang Xu, the leader of the Jihuang corps, is a strong man with double extreme fighting spirit. Both of them are powerful existence of mechanical family.

Meng Mingjie is also a man with a very tough fighting style. His fierce spirit is also released without concealment. His fighting spirit is also a very strong attack spirit of extreme warfare.

Shao simang was surrounded by a huge amount of fighting spirit. Although it was still light and light on the surface, he was still a little afraid in his heart.

On weekdays, she did a lot of research on the previous Chinese Premier League matches. At that time, there were not so many extreme fighting spirits!

Why did Huaxia suddenly emerge so many talents in a short period of time?!

In particular, the sense of oppression given by the flying imperial Corps was very strong, and their Captain Dan Tai Yang Xu's eyes were full of self-confidence, without a trace of fear.

He has no doubt that these teams are ready to fight with the sun and moon teams. Although they are not afraid of the sun and moon teams, they still have to weigh in the face of the desperate wheel battle of hundreds of strong teams

A drop of cold sweat seeps from his forehead. At this time, he realized that the college in the new century seems not to be all soft persimmons.

All the top 100 teams in China are united. I'm afraid that even the sun and moon teams are hard to retreat

"What do you mean?" he said, pretending to be calm? Is your country prepared to cheat the less with more? "

Xuanji teacher waved his hand, and the dozens of teams that rushed forward to prepare for the war just rolled out the No. 10 competition area in succession, but his eyes were still fierce and incomparable.

"Since you don't want the holy badge, forget it..." Xuanji said with a smile.

"Wait a minute! Who said we don't want the holy badge! " Shao Si Ming suddenly raised his voice.

"Oh? At last you've figured it out? " Xuanji teacher mouth slightly up, light way.

"Cough We sun and moon Royal corps also do not like bullying, since you all admit that it is your work fault, then we will not be so careless After a short pause, he said, "but The captain of your angry scale team has seriously injured the captain of our sun and moon team. How can this account be calculated? "

"Naturally, it is handled in accordance with the rules of the Chinese Premier League. Feng Yixiu forcibly destroys the game. According to the rules, a point will be deducted from the top ten competitions." Xuanji said in a deep voice.

Shao Si Ming nodded with satisfaction and said, "it seems that your disposal is fair, but do you mean what you say? As far as I know, you're just the leader of the angry scale team, aren't you? "It doesn't look like much, but it's a very severe punishment.

Because the top ten competition, each victory can only get one point, I am afraid that now Nu scale college is the only team in a disadvantage before the start of the competition.

This means that if they want to enter the top four competition, they must not lose a game!

The pressure is not great

"Xuanji leader's words are the meaning of this Dean, naturally it is counting!"

Without waiting for the wind to speak, the sound of Guliang rain, which was like the evening drum and the bell, came and echoed in the Xuantian martial arts arena.

Gu Liangyu made such a big mistake. Now Xuanji and fengyixiu have managed to smooth it out. If he doesn't show up at this time, it's too unreasonable

After getting the exact response, Shao Si Ming nodded with satisfaction and said faintly, "Your Highness, let's go!"

Yuan Shenya took a look at fengyixiu before he left, and said faintly: "I hope to see you in the finals. I will let you know what real power is..."

Feng also looks cold and does not pay attention to yuanshenya. Instead, he asks the medical team to carry Kong Pei and Gong Lianglu down.

The professional medical team immediately carried the two people down with stretchers, and the roaring ambulance immediately went to the hospital for treatment.

The people of the sun and moon team also left Xuantian arena one after another. They didn't need to participate in the top 100 qualifying competition, and they didn't have the interest to stay here.

For a moment, the whole audience applauded, and everyone was shouting the names of fengyixiu and nu scale.

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