Feng also tried to communicate with the third Holy Spirit Scripture and wanted to release the fighting spirit.

Since the third war spirit was only in the infant stage, it was successfully summoned without too much spiritual power.

"Xiaokong, how do you feel?" Feng Yixiu looks at the congenitally formed ape spirit and cares about it.

"There's nothing special about it. It's just that the book is empty and boring." Empty scratched his head and responded stupidly.

"White demon and I often go to play." The wind also Xiu gently rubbed each other's top of the head, smile way.

"Good, good..." Small empty space appears very excited, ask immediately: "but who is this small white building and small demon?"

The wind also took a look at the black thorn queen on one side and explained: "this is a small demon. You can call her little demon sister later."

"Oh, oh Hello, little demon sister Small empty very clever, immediately turned to look at the ghost on one side, inquired: "that elder sister is small white building?"

"Can you see ghosts?" Wind also Xiu appears a little surprised, frown way.

This ghost queen has always been in the state of stealth, completely transparent appearance.

If you don't use thunder and lightning, you can't see it. But Xiaokong is able to see, so he appears so surprised

Small empty Leng's nod: "can see! She has a long tail, just like me

"I am the devil's tail, which is different from yours..."

The ghost queen is covered with black lines, and is said to be the same as herself by a little monkey. Although not angry, but still a little strange.

"Xiaokongkong, your eyes don't look normal either..." For a long time, it means that he has been staring at the ape's eyes for a long time.

"Can't Dad see?" Small empty some puzzled way.

"It's not invisible, but it's not as easy as you..." The wind also repairs the smiling response.

"This elder sister is a ghost, I remember, but who is Xiaobailou you mentioned?" Small empty Kong continues to ask.

Feng Yixiu summoned the first battle spirit Tianqing Yulin dragon in a twinkling of an eye. His huge body shape surrounded his body, which was very domineering and extraordinary.

"Wow! Is this what Dad said about Xiaobailou? How beautiful When the little sky looked at the sky blue jade Lin dragon, he was very excited, and his eyes were full of bright little stars.

Tianqing Yulin dragon was also a little confused when he saw the little monkey in front of him, but he could sense that the little monkey was one of the fighting spirits of fengyixiu.

After the congenial ape spirit and fengyixiu signed a contract to become a war spirit, there was a subtle relationship between them, and there would be mutual induction between the contracted warlords.

Xiaobailou is also boasted by the small empty, some embarrassed, looking at the small point in front of me, some at a loss.

"Let me introduce you to you. This is the third spirit of my contract. You should take good care of this young man in the future." Feng Yixiu immediately introduced to Xiaobailou the small spot in front of him.


Tianqing Yulin dragon slowly swam to the small empty in front of him, immediately rolled it up with his tail, and then gently put it on his head.

"Brother Xiaobailou, fly higher! It's fun... " The congenital ape spirit tightly grasped a pair of dragon horns of Tianqing Yulin dragon, which was very cute with fear and excitement.

The queen of black thorn weaves a strong net with vines. She is afraid that Xiaokong will fall down accidentally. The picture is very harmonious.

Feng Yixiu looks at Xiaokong and his other two fighting spirits, and his mouth is also slightly up.

Originally, he was also worried that the third warlord was transformed from Warcraft and would not fit in with the rest of the warlords.

At present, it seems that I think too much. Xiaokong is still very popular

Feng Yixiu began to scan the data of congenital ape spirit when Xiaokong was playing with other warfighting spirits:

[name of war spirit]: congenital ape spirit

[war spirit level]: young spirit

[war spirit level]: Level Seven and level two

[war spirit skill]: body of stubborn stone, eye of breaking arrogance The flame King Kong

② Titan and great ape

③ Red tailed macaque

④ Four armed ape

⑤ Lingming stone monkey


The evolution tree of the natural ape spirit is much more exaggerated than fengyixiu imagined, and there are many evolutionary routes that make fengyixiu take a breath of cool air.

"My God! Lingming stone monkey? The monkey? This is not the legend of the four monkey Psychic The wind also repairs, the whole person looks directly silly.

However, after the shock, Feng Yixiu began to get excited secretly. This congenital ape spirit is worthy of being an ancient Warcraft, and can even evolve into such legendary monkey.The stone monkey was a mythical existence. Feng Yixiu didn't expect it to exist. He didn't know how to choose for a while.

Moreover, the battle spirit attribute is empty. He is also the first time to see the battle spirit with empty attribute, which is completely beyond his knowledge range!

He only knows that the attributes of war spirit can be divided into the five element attributes of conventional gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and the four image attributes of wind, thunder, light and darkness.

In addition, there are extremely rare attributes of space and time. The warspirit of these two attributes is either very strong or very weak.

This empty nature of war spirit, wind is also true, is unheard of, never seen

Feng Yixiu pondered for a long time, then shook his head helplessly and said: "ah Let's find a chance to ask Mr. Chu! "

Now he does not dare to determine the evolution route of Xiaokong at will. The evolution tree of congenital ape spirit is too complicated. Many of them can become the existence of the Holy Spirit!

Feng Yixiu was not sure that the congenital ape spirit was the ancient Warcraft, but now it is confirmed that the congenital ape spirit is the ancient Warcraft. Otherwise, he would never have such outstanding talent and potential

If I can, I still hope that Xiaokong can evolve into a Lingming stone monkey. The specific reason is naturally influenced by Chinese myths and legends.

"Now it seems that it is not long before the game officially starts. It seems that I need to determine the evolution plan as soon as possible, and I have to find the right magic card." The wind also talks to himself.

At this time, the upper limit of the magic cards that fengyixiu can use is diamond level magic cards. That is to say, as long as the small empty space evolves into all fighting spirits, then it can arm seven diamond level magic cards!

What kind of concept is this? Feng Yixiu can't help but feel fierce when he thinks of it. It's too fierce!

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