The audience is also amazed at the courage of the wind also repair, dare to go deep into the dangerous situation alone to face the four main forces of the frenzy team alone!

At the beginning of the competition, Feng Yixiu took the lead in coming to the most central position of the Forgotten Ruins by virtue of the speed advantage of Lei system.

At the center of the Forgotten Ruins is a lost altar, which is the most open-minded place in the whole map.

I saw the wind also repair the first time summoned the black thorn queen, immediately threw out two gold magic spirit cards, senro Queen - senro!

However, the queen of black thorn only planted a large number of black thorn seeds around the lost altar, and did not let these seeds germinate immediately.

The queen of black thorn is good at positional warfare. As long as she can attract her opponent to a field full of black spines, she will have the upper hand.

"Lord, the seed of black thorn has been planted, but I don't know how to attract each other?" The queen of black thorn communicated with fengyixiu by using xinyoulingxi and did not speak.

"Xiaoyao, make a stake similar to my body. Remember to use the seed of fire to simulate the temperature of the human body and hide in this bush." Feng Yixiu glanced around and immediately fixed his eyes on a few bushes nearby.

With the gentle wave of the queen of black thorn, a wooden stake similar to that of fengyixiu was immediately made.

I saw Feng Yixiu take off his coat, and then put the coat on the wooden pile, hidden in the bush.

"Is it too hidden? Can the other party not find out?"

The queen of black thorn looked at the Bush for a long time and found that she could not find the existence of the stake at such a close distance. How could the other party find the stake at such a distance?

Feng Yixiu is a mysterious smile and says: "don't worry Because I shook hands with that guy, and they will find it

The queen of black thorn was still puzzled, but out of her trust and understanding of Feng Yixiu, she did not continue to ask.

As time went by, Feng Yixiu kept his eyes closed and seemed to be counting the passage of time.

All of a sudden, the wind also suddenly opened his eyes, the corner of his mouth rose slightly, and said faintly: "the time should be almost Xiaoyao, quickly find a hidden place to make the flowers of thorns. We can hide. "

"Yes! Lord

The queen of black thorn looked around and planted two huge flowers of thorns in an inconspicuous corner.

The two flowers of thorns bloomed slowly. Fengyixiu and the queen of black thorn entered into different flowers of thorns, almost simultaneously.

The screen switches to the frenzy team. Because they are four people working together, the speed is inevitable to be much slower than that of fengyixiu.

At this time, only two battle spirits were summoned out of the frenzy team. One of them was the control system warspirit, the red blood devil bat!

Red blood bat can release ultrasonic wave to explore the surrounding area, so it acts as a radar like existence of the whole team. As long as the wind is nearby, it can detect the location in advance.

The other fighting spirit is called the lion mastiff king. Although its combat effectiveness is not as good as the remaining two fighting spirits, it has a unique ability.

As soon as Meng Mingjie got out of the safe area, he let the lion mastiff sniff his right hand, and let him rely on the special fighting spirit skill of tracking thousands of miles to find the trace of fengyixiu.

So from the beginning of the competition, they have been walking towards the center of the lost altar under the leadership of the lion mastiff king. They are ready to sneak attack fengyixiu!

The steps of the frenzy team are extremely gentle, quietly walking through the night, step by step close to the lost altar.

Suddenly, the red blooded bat stopped, as if sensing something alive.

Yu Meng, the owner of the red blood devil bat, whispered in a soft voice: "we have sensed the trace of the enemy, right in that Bush."

Meng Mingjie showed a proud smile and said in a low voice: "the boy didn't expect that he would find his trace so soon..."

"Captain, what shall we do now?" Guan Feng, the owner of the lion mastiff king, whispered.

"Of course it's a surprise attack. The four of us will attack together. The boy is dead!" Meng Mingjie's mouth slightly rose, gnashing his teeth.

"But why is it that Feng is the only one who can repair it? Why isn't Shen Ruyu nearby?" Xu Wenhua is a little confused.

"They should have been acting separately But this is just the right time. Let's break each one! " Meng Mingjie pondered for a moment, and then continued: "we will join hands to carry out plan B!"


The other three members of the frenzy Corps echoed.

But what they didn't know was that fengyixiu and the queen of black thorn were under their feet. Hiding under the land, they completely escaped the detection of the red blood devil bat and the lion faced mastiff king.

And Feng Yixiu knows every move of the frenzy team, even they can barely hear their whispers.All the members of the tide Corps quietly approached the Bush hidden by "fengyixiu". They formed a encirclement from four different directions.

Team leader Meng Mingjie and vice captain Xu Wenhua also summoned their own fighting spirit. Both of them are monarch level war spirits of the strong attack system.

Among them, "grey explosion demon bear" is Meng Mingjie's fighting spirit, while "Xiaoyue silver wolf" is Xu Wenhua's fighting spirit. Both are powerful extreme fighting spirits

The movements of the four men are very consistent, which shows that their fighting quality is also very excellent, and everything is going on in an orderly manner.

"Do it!"

Meng Mingjie made the best gesture to communicate with each other at the same time.

As a control system, the red blood devil bat is naturally the first to launch an attack. Yu Meng throws out a black and gold magic card to strengthen sound waves.

"Ultrasonic interference! "

at the command of Yu Meng, the red blood devil bat sent out a burst of ultrasonic interference towards the bush.

This is a kind of extremely difficult to defend the sound wave control war spirit skill, as long as the attack, it will be controlled for at least three seconds.

Of course, their target "fengyixiu" is naturally motionless. After all, he is just a wooden post

And it is precisely because of the understanding of the bloody devil bat that all the members of the frenzy team have no doubt about the motionlessness of Feng Yixiu.

Auxiliary system war spirit lion face mastiff king immediately to two strong attack system war spirit release auxiliary aura, bloody Aura!

This can greatly increase the attack power and speed attributes of grey explosion demon bear and Howling moon silver wolf. The fighting spirits of the two attack systems release dazzling blood light all over their bodies, just like a hungry tiger pouncing on "fengyixiu"!

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