"Xiaokong, don't be naughty Feng Yixiu walked over with a serious look on his face and said, "quickly restore Xiaoba to its original state..."

"Oh, oh..."

Dou Zhan Tian ape is like a child who has done something wrong. He turns over Tiangang zhushuiyuan with one hand.

When they saw xiaokongkong turning over Tiangang's water turtle with one hand, they all grew up and couldn't believe it.

"Apologize to Xiao Ba quickly!" Feng Yixiu is still serious.

The nature of Dou Zhan Tian ape is still very naughty and playful just after joining the world. Fengyixiu must be more strict with it.

"Myna, I'm sorry..."

The tail of xiaokongkong, which was constantly shaking, gradually dropped down and went to Tiangang Zhushui turtle. He bowed his head and whispered.


He nodded his head at eight o'clock and rubbed the fighting ape for a moment. He seemed to be comforting him. He was very gentle.

Tiangang chases water turtle's character originally called simple and honest and steady. It also treats xiaokongkong as a child. Naturally, he will not be angry.

"Xiaoba said it doesn't matter. They were just playing. Brother, you don't have to punish xiaokongkong." Han Xiao also came over with a smile.

The wind also nodded and said in a soft voice, "xiaokongkong, you must remember that in the future, you are the partners to fight side by side, and you must get along well."

"Dad, xiaokongkong knows, don't be angry..." Small empty also gradually showed a smiling face, whispered.

"How can I be really angry! I just hope you don't bully other partners any more... " The wind also repairs a smile, soft voice way.

Jialan teacher pulled Feng Yixiu aside and whispered, "did your warspirit master call you dad just now?"

Feng Yixiu was a little embarrassed and said, "mm-hmm Xiaokong was born out of stone. When he was just born, he saw me first, so

"It's also a good thing, which shows that xiaokongkong trusts and likes you very much. But don't cry in front of outsiders. After all, xiaokongkong is also a spirit of the whole battle now, not the little monkey before... " Jialan Purple Jade teacher reminds way.

Feng Yixiu pondered for a moment and nodded: "what Jialan said is, let me discuss it with xiaokongkong..."

After that, Feng Yixiu took Xiaokong aside and said in a soft voice: "xiaokongkong, when we are alone in the future, you can call me and my mother, but on weekdays, it's better to call me brother..."

"Yes, yes, but Why? " Small empty some doubt of scratched head.

"Now you are also a one-sided all fighting spirit. I'm afraid you will be laughed at by others..." Feng Yixiu explained.

"If anyone dares to laugh at me, I'll beat them!" Little air whirred.

Feng also touched his chin and said with a smile: "you are happy In fact, I don't think so. "

"But I heard that the little demon sister called you the master, and so did the brother Xiaobailou. Should I also call you master?" "But what does the Lord mean?" he said

"The Lord means the master, but in my heart, you are all like my children, or like friends. Whether you are father or master, you are just a name..." Feng Yixiu explained it very seriously, his eyes were full of soft light.

"Oh, oh Then I'll call you the Lord in front of outsiders, so I'll be the same as sister Xiaoyao and brother Xiaobailou... " Xiaoxiaokong.

"Xiaokongkong is really good..." Feng Yixiu smiles and immediately goes on: "OK, let's go back to training. Next, don't bully your partner."


Dou Zhan Tian ape nodded heavily and immediately followed the pace of Feng Yixiu back to the team.

"Now people are all together. Geng Bai and Xi Tianyue watch the competition in the martial arts arena, but they will also come to participate in training in the evening. There will be fewer and fewer training opportunities in the future. We must seize the time. " Xuanji teacher saw that the wind also returned to the team, immediately announced.

Every match in the top ten competition is very important. Naturally, it is necessary to record the details of each competition. After all, only by knowing yourself and knowing the enemy can we win a hundred battles.

In the past, when Feng Yixiu had time, he did all the recording work himself, but now it falls to the two senior students and the elder sister.

Compared with the four main players, their pressure is much less, and their personality is a little more stable, so it is more appropriate to give them this task


All the members of the Nu scale team stood in a line, and their fighting spirit was also behind them, showing a good order.


Seven days later, Xuantian arena.

At this time, the whole arena was very lively, both the audience and the players had a ray of expectation.Because today's competition is a long-awaited one, the angry scale team and the machine King team will usher in a big war.

If we observe carefully, we can surely find that almost all the members of the preparation area of the VIP seat are gathered together, even the Xuantian and the sun and moon teams have also come, which is very rare in the past.

It can be seen that the attention of these teams for the flying imperial corps and the angry scale team is very high, otherwise they will not sacrifice precious time to watch the game.

As soon as the Nu scale team entered the Xuantian arena, it set off a heat wave. Feng Yixiu and others calmly walked from the entrance to the preparation area of the VIP seat.

Feng Yixiu was also stunned when he saw that all the personnel in the preparation area were ready. He could not help but frown.

However, he soon regained his former composure, and slowly sat down on their seats, that is, beside the aircraft Royal Corps.

Dan Tai Yang Xu, the captain of the machine King team, is also full of smile. It seems that the next competition is not related to them, and he is very calm and confident.

As to whether the confidence and calmness have confidence or bluff, it's not clear

"Captain Feng, I haven't seen you for many days. I'm all right!" Dan Tai Yang Xu smile, light way.

"It's OK, it's ok I think the captain of dantai has a bright face. It seems that he has a good rest these days. " The wind also repairs gently nods, the light voice way.

"A few days ago, I asked Xueer to do some divination again, and the result is really good. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will lose sleep yesterday..." Dan Tai Yang Xu smile, light way.

"Oh? Can you tell me a little bit about the results of divination? " The wind also repairs a smile, quite interested in looking at the late spring snow.

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