"Yes Father, I will do what you tell me Si Xingyu gently nodded and said in a deep voice.

Although he didn't quite agree with his father's practice, he had to admit that the Oriental family ignored their father and son.

He has to work very hard every time to get what he can get at the beginning and end of the eastern summer

"Don't blame my father. I'm also for your own good. In the future, you will know how right my decision will be."

Sinan slowly stood up, eyes gradually become soft up, slowly walked to Si Xingyu's body, put his hand on his shoulder.

"Father..." Si Xingyu slowly raised his head, as if to say something, but the words to the mouth but swallow back.

"Don't falter when a man talks. Speak up if you want to." Sinan frowned slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Father, tomorrow is my mother's death day. I have no competition these days. I want to go to the grave to worship." Si Xingyu seems to have plucked up a lot of courage and said in a deep voice.

Smell speech, Sinan's face became more deep, immediately light way: "if you want to go, go You don't need to ask me about this. "

"But I want you to come with me..." Si Xingyu said in a hurry.

"I have something to do these days. You can go alone, and my father won't go with you." Sinan slowly turned his back and said in a deep voice.

Si Xingyu slowly lowered his head and whispered: "you say so every year. Can't you change a reason this year?"

"All right! Don't say any more, you can go out... "

Sinan waved his hand at will, indicating that the other side could go out.


Si Xingyu did not dare to disobey his father's meaning. He pushed the door and left the room with a heavy step. He looked at Sinan's back for a long time and then closed the door gently.

This si Xingyu just left not long ago, Sinan turned around and sat down unsteadily. His eyes were deep as an abyss.

"Dongfang Mo, we have a good son, but I will never forget the humiliation you made me suffer in the Oriental family in my life..." Sinan could not help clenching his fists and gnashing his teeth.

And Dongfang Mo is naturally Si Xingnan's mother, that is, Sinan's wife, and the elder sister of Dongfang Yun, the current leader of Dongfang family.

If it was not for the eastern Mo's deliberate suppression of Sinan, I'm afraid he would have been a strong warrior at the emperor level.

At that time, Sinan was also a talented young talent, otherwise he would not be favored by Oriental ink.

Sinan thought that after joining the Oriental family, he could get better cultivation resources, but what he didn't expect was endless coldness and oppression.

This made his genius's self-esteem suffer a very serious blow, and he turned all these disappointments into hatred!


Just as soon as he left Xuantian Hotel, fengyixiu summoned Tianqing Yulin dragon, carrying all the people to leave at almost the fastest speed.

"Brother Feng, what are you doing so fast?" Shen Ruyu has some doubts.

"Save money..." The wind also repairs a smile to reply.

"Save money? What does running away have to do with saving money? " Shen Ruyu is confused.

"I didn't pay for my meal..." The wind also repairs, whispers in Shen Ruyu's ear.

"Ah? Eat overlord food... " Shen Ruyu was also scared. There was a little tension on her face. She said in a soft voice, "is it so exciting?"


The wind also repairs heavily nodded, the solemn response way.

"Then let Xiaobailou run faster, and don't let others catch up with you..." Shen Ruyu hastily urges a way.

"Xiaobailou, speed up!"

Wind also Xiu gently patted the sky blue jade Lin dragon under the body, light voice way.

Of course, Feng Yixiu is joking with Shen Ruyu. How can he really eat without paying

But it's true to save money. After all, the Xuantian hotel is so luxurious that it seems that a lot of things have been damaged by the collision of spiritual pressure. It must be very expensive.

Before long, Feng Yixiu and others returned to their Chinese style courtyard.

After Feng Yixiu went back, he rushed to the meeting room and invited Mr. Xuanji.

Xuanji teacher and Jialan Ziyu teacher rushed to the meeting room.

"Why did the meeting suddenly happen? What happened?" Jialan Ziyu teacher some doubts.

"Miss Jialan, we just went to Xuantian college to have dinner. We happened to meet a few people from the white tooth team, and almost got into a fight..." Shen Ruyu said truthfully.

"What? Are you not hurt? " Jialan Ziyu looked at her with concern and found that no one was hurt before she put her heart down.

"Ziyu, I think the wounded should be the talent of the white tooth team, right..." Xuanji teacher showed extraordinary calm, smile way."Haha Or Xuanji teacher knows us, where did those guys hurt us? " Han Xiao said with a smile.

"Who moved his hand first?" Xuanji teacher touched his chin and asked suddenly.

"The hand of Si Xingyu, the leader of the white tooth team But there was no bargain. " At the end of the eastern summer, he said seriously.

Hearing this, Xuanji teacher felt strange and frowned: "Si Xingyu, I don't think he is such an impulsive person?"

"That's right. Although Si Xingyu is arrogant, his personality is still stable. He is not likely to be a person who will do such things..." Jialan also nodded.

"Listening to these two teachers, I also feel that there is something wrong with this. I'd better tell you the whole story..."

After saying that, Feng Yixiu told the whole story of the incident in detail.

Of course, it also includes the agreement between him and Si Xingyu, and the white tiger Pearl

After hearing the speech, Xuanji teacher also felt his chin and pondered for a long time, but he didn't speak for a long time.

Suddenly, teacher Xuanji said, "in a sense, it's fair, but I'm afraid it's not so simple."

"Mr. Xuanji, do you mean that Si Xingyu will break his word?" Feng Yixiu asked in a hurry.

"Si Xingyu has a good reputation. I think he will not make such a dishonest thing, but I am still worried about it..." Xuanji teacher talks and looks at Han Xiao and the eastern end of Xia.

Han Xiao and the eastern end of summer are also understanding, two people look at each other, helpless smile.

They also guessed the worry of Xuanji teacher. He was afraid that the three of them would not be the opponents of Dongfang Xiachu and Si Xingyu

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