People were also shocked when they saw the final data, and they did not expect to break through the limit data.

The data range of these four level source warriors is generally recognized by the warspirit world. It can be said that it is the accurate data obtained by referring to the data of hundreds of years.

However, today's data has been overturned again and again. If these data are disclosed, I am afraid it will cause quite a stir

Mr. Xuanji seems to be used to it. He starts to record the data very quickly. He says faintly: "it should be because the Dragon sparrow in summer is a variant fighting spirit. As its master, your own elemental strength has also been greatly increased..."

Fire phoenix is the existence that stands at the top of the fire fighting spirit pyramid, and the Daxia dragon finch is a special variant.

After listening to Xuanji's explanation, we all nodded silently and accepted the reason.

"Next! Han Xiao, you can test it... "

Xuanji teacher went to the instrument to test the earth element force, and said softly.

Han Xiao walked quickly past, slowly put his hand on the Earth Spirit jade, and slowly merged the aura of the earth attribute into it.

Tuling jade gradually emits light of pale gold, and the data on the monitor beside is also beating fast.

Han Xiao's final data is "87289" element force, and at this time, one of his two element forces.

He went to the water property testing instrument and conducted a second round of testing.

Shuiling jade released a light blue soft light, and the final data stayed in the "88939" element force.

"It's true that as a dual attribute source martial artist, it's not easy to achieve such a high level of both, and it's even more difficult to keep the two basically in a state of balance..."

Xuanji teacher nodded with satisfaction and quickly recorded the relevant data.

Not all dual element source warriors can make the two elements go hand in hand. Many source warriors will abandon one of them.

If both of them are taken into consideration, the data of both may not be very good-looking, but Han Xiao has achieved this

Both of them are close to 90000 element forces. Even if we look at them only, they are excellent data. What's more, they are both like this.

"At the end of summer, this is dark spirit jade, you come to test it!"

After recording, Xuanji walked to the dark element test area and pointed to a dark black ball.


At the end of the eastern summer, he walked quickly to the dark Lingyu and immediately put his hand on it.

A group of dark atmosphere quickly covered the dark spirit jade. The turbulent dark atmosphere made people feel a little chilly on the back.

Three minutes later, the data on one side of the monitor finally stopped and finally settled on the "97253" element force.

This is a data close to the limit, which is basically at the peak of the dark system source warrior!

Xuanji teacher nodded and said faintly: "the element force close to the limit, if you train a little more, it should not be a problem to reach the peak."

Although most of the data are determined by nature, the deliberate training can be strengthened.

And this data interval is mainly aimed at the innate element force, and does not represent the degree that the acquired efforts can achieve

Xuanji teacher walked towards a Lei Lingyu full of thunder lines. Then he took a look at fengyixiu and said in a deep voice: "this is Lei Lingyu. Xiaofeng, you can test it..."

Feng Yixiu nodded in silence, then quickly walked to Lei Lingyu's front and put his hands on it.

He began to mobilize the surging spiritual power in his body, which turned into dazzling white thunder light, which was immediately absorbed by Lei Lingyu.

Lei Lingyu is like a sponge absorbing water. She is crazy to absorb the force of the violent thunder released by fengyixiu, and the data of the beat of the monitor on the side is even more difficult for the naked eye to see.

In less than a minute, the data on the display instrument broke through six digits, and it was still soaring at a very fast speed.


All of us are staring at the data on the monitor nervously. Everyone looks like a curious baby.

Although they have a little psychological preparation, they can not help becoming excited when they see the data breaking through six figures.

However, just as the data gradually slowed down, fengyixiu gradually opened the power of the dragon.

In a flash, not only Lei Lingyu became as bright as a light bulb, but also Feng Yixiu was wrapped up in the glare of thunder, just like a small sun

Five minutes later, the harsh sound of thunder gradually subsided, the dazzling thunder light gradually became dim, and finally completely calmed down.

All of them had a brief blindness and looked at the final data as soon as they recovered.Final data of element force: 999999!!!

"A million?!"

After seeing the final data, Han Xiao couldn't help exclaiming.


Xuanji teacher's record book gradually slipped from his hand and hit the ground heavily.

He had already made psychological preparations. Even if the element force data of fengyixiu is the same as the strength data, it is estimated that he would not lose his state.

However, he knows the meaning of the 999999 data. This is not the final element force data of fengyixiu, but the ultimate data of this tester

That is to say, the element force of wind repairing is likely to be over one million!

When Feng Yixiu saw the data, he could not help but frown and touched his nose in some embarrassment.

In fact, he did not think that his element force could reach this level, otherwise he would certainly converge a little bit as he did when testing strength.

However, the dazzling light just made him unable to see the data on the display screen, so he used all his strength without scruple

"This This machine is not broken... " Feng Yixiu slowly took back his hands and touched his nose awkwardly.

However, in the moment of taking back her arm, Lei Lingyu began to disintegrate gradually. Finally, Lei Lingyu, the size of a basketball, broke into pieces and scattered on the ground.

The crowd first took a look at the powder on the ground, and then looked at Feng Yixiu with an intriguing look.

That look seems to be saying, do you think we will believe it?

The monitor may be wrong, but the Lei Lingyu has been damaged by you, which is enough to show the problem. OK!

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