Xuanji teacher said in a deep voice: "it seems that the situation is much better than I expected. Congratulations, all of you have become super extreme war spirit!"

Smell speech, angry scale team members are all looking at each other a smile, the confidence in the heart is also more and more sufficient.

"Haha We're all super team now! It's estimated that even the sun moon team and Xuantian team don't have our luxury lineup... " Han Xiao said with a smile.

"It's not necessarily You still have to keep vigilant heart, sun and moon corps and Xuantian team still can not be underestimated! " Xuanji said solemnly.

"Brother Feng, it's time for you to test." Shen Ruyu went to the side of the wind also repair, urged way.

"Yes, yes! The captain's data is so explosive that it is estimated that the increase of the warspirit is also very exaggerated! " Han Xiao also rubbed his hands in anticipation.

"I hope so..."

After saying that, Feng Yixiu summoned the three fighting spirits at the same time.

However, it seems that there is no change in tianqingyulinlong and douzhan tianape. They are also confused when they are called out.

Xiaobailou and xiaokongkong naturally recognize the spirit tester. They also remember that they have completed the test. Why do they have to test again

Feng Yixiu first glanced at the three fighting spirits and found that only the queen of black thorn had some changes, while the other two could not see any changes.

"Let's do another soul test." Wind also repair a smile, light way.

Although they are a little confused, but still obediently went to a different spirit meter.

After a full hour, the doors of the three dynamometers were opened almost at the same time.

This situation also surprised people. Generally speaking, the stronger the five-dimensional attribute of warspirit, the stronger the test time should be.

but these three as like as two peas, they are doing the same thing at the same time. Does it mean that the data of the three soldiers are exactly the same?

With curiosity, they looked at the five dimensional data map of the three fighting spirits. As they were closest to the spirit measuring instrument where Tianqing yulinlong was located, they were naturally the first to check the data of Xiaobailou.

The final data of Tianqing yulinlong is still perfect Pentagon, and all five data have reached SR level!

This is completely unchanged from the previous data. Does it not mean that fengyixiu has failed to affect Xiaobailou by breaking through the fourth gene lock?

"Mr. Xuanji, what's the matter?" Shen Ruyu raised her head and looked at Xuanji at the first time.

Xuanji's expression was somewhat calm, as if he had expected it, and said in a low voice: "it seems that SR is the limit of all war spirits, and unless it evolves into a research body, there is no room for ascension..."

"Ah? Isn't that the team leader too bad... " Han Xiao frowned slightly and said softly.

"Loss?" Xuanji teacher chuckled and shook his head, and said faintly, "have you forgotten the queen of black thorn?"

"Yes! The queen of black thorn is just the spirit of extreme war. She has room for growth Han Xiao slapped his forehead in a loud voice.

After that, everyone quickly walked towards the next spirit measuring instrument, which was used before the battle of ape!

As expected, what they saw was still a perfect Pentagon, and the Pentagon data showed that it was SR!

After reading the small empty data, the pace suddenly became slow, inexplicably became a little nervous.

The final result depends on the queen of black thorn's five dimensional attribute map!

Feng Yixiu took a deep breath at first, and then walked steadily towards the last spirit measuring instrument.

Not close to the time, has seen a perfect Pentagon, the heart can not help but began to accelerate violently.

That means either the worst or the best!

"So exciting..." Feng Yixiu murmured in a low voice. After a little breath adjustment, he walked quickly.

"Hoo It scared me to death. "

After seeing the final five dimensional attribute map, Feng Yixiu suddenly vomited out a breath of turbid Qi.

"My God! It's a perfect super extreme fighting spirit Han Xiao is the second to follow up, looking at the above data map, can't help but exclaim.

The five data of black thorn queen have all broken through to SR level, which means that the black thorn queen and the other two warspirit attributes are completely the same!

When you see that the data of the other four sources have reached the limit, you can count it as a good thing

Feng Yixiu also showed a knowing smile. In this way, all the three fighting spirits he has now become the perfect super extreme fighting spirit

This is also the best result for fengyixiu. He is more willing to let the queen of black thorn get the biggest enhancement than to let the three warspirits share the increase intensity equally.Because in the last match, Feng Yixiu obviously felt that it was a little reluctant for the queen of black thorn to assist five fighting spirits at the same time.

Douzhan tianape only absorbed 36 phantom avatars, and opened the Disha mode to drain all the spiritual power of black thorn forest instantly. This is the limit of black thorn queen.

If Dou Zhan tianape absorbs all 72 phantom avatars, it is estimated that the queen of black thorn at that time will not be able to support after turning on Tiangang mode.

This is also the most worried point of Feng Yixiu, but now all the problems are solved with the queen of black thorn becoming the perfect super extreme fighting spirit!

Feng Yixiu carefully observes the queen of black thorn not far away, but finds that her body shape has not changed much, but her aura and spiritual pressure are higher than before

The queen of black thorn can't wait to try her war spirit skills, and the magic flower array diagram opens instantly.

At this time, the magic flower array is much more complicated than before. Among them, the five continuous rotating five element gouyu emit more dazzling light!

See black thorn Queen's hand slowly out of a black flower, several black thorn seeds will float out, the moment of landing will quickly grow crazy.

At this time, the black thorn vine is nearly twice as thick as before, and it looks more tough, and its aura is more than doubled

Seeing these changes, Feng Yixiu was ecstatic and said, "this is an unexpected surprise..."

"Not bad, not bad, the black thorn Queen's various attributes also had the qualitative leap, this also has a very good guarantee for your future combat." Xuanji teacher while recording what, while nodding.

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