"Now let's invite the leaders of both sides to come to the center!"

The chief referee still presided over the ceremony according to the process, and the team leaders of both sides came forward to carry out the process.

In the absence of the chief leader of the Nu scale team, Shen Ruyu naturally took the place of the temporary team leader. She also quickly walked to the center of the field.

Si Xingyu first stretched out his hand and frowned: "are you insulting us?"

Shen Ruyu, however, did not intend to reach out. Instead, she bowed slightly to replace the handshake. She said faintly, "if you don't use these bad tricks, we don't intend to humiliate you. It's your fault."

Si Xingyu took back his hand very wisely and said in a cold voice: "ha ha Don't you really think you can win by just a few of you? "

"Brother Feng said yes, so naturally it can..." Shen Ruyu spoke calmly, as if to say another ordinary thing.

Si Xingyu did not frown and said lightly: "since the moment when your captain decided not to play, you have already lost!"

Shen Ruyu raised her mouth slightly and said in a soft voice: "since you came on the stage, the victory or defeat has already been determined!"

After that, Shen Ruyu turned her head very simply, and then returned to the safe area where the angry scale team was located.

Si Xingyu also turned into a white light, almost with the fastest speed back to their safety zone.

"Players from both sides are in position. Now we will start to draw the venue for this competition."

The referee slowly ascended into the sky, and the background map of Xuantian arena was constantly changing, and finally locked in the golden and blue background.

"The venue is golden island. After confirming the venue, the game will start normally after the 10 second countdown is over."

The three referees gradually rose to the highest position in the field, showing a positive triangle between them, observing every corner of the field from all aspects.

All over the sky, the UAV is still staying in the high altitude of the stadium, which shows that this event is attracting worldwide attention

"Chi Chi, Chi, Chi..."

The huge stadium began to undergo dramatic changes, but in a moment the mimicry map completely simulated the terrain of the sun island.

There is a dazzling sun in the sky, the blue ocean appears very calm, and the most central position has a unique primitive island.

And the blazing sun dyed the whole island with a thick layer of gold, as if it were a golden island made of gold

The two teams also smile when they see the map. The angry scale team pays attention to the geographical location of the sea, while the white tooth team focuses on the sunny day.

This mimicry map can be said to be beneficial to both sides, but whether it can be turned into an advantage or not depends on the exertion of each team.

“10、9、8、7…… 0, the game begins! "

With the end of the countdown, the barriers to both sides' safe areas almost disappeared at the same time.

However, only one of them didn't act, and even the spirit of War didn't call in a hurry.

That is, vice captain Shen Ruyu is still staying in the safety zone and has not gone out. She does not seem to be in a hurry to seize the opportunity.

"We must seize Golden Island in advance! You can't fight on the sea! " Si Xingyu immediately issued the order.

Among the four members of the white tooth team, the chief and vice leaders all rushed out at the first time, and the two members of the auxiliary department also called out the fighting spirit respectively.

The war spirits of the two auxiliary systems are exactly the same. The name of the war spirit is called the holy light spirit king. It is a kind of existence that ranks among the top in the auxiliary war spirit of the light system.

And the two fighting spirits possessed by the white tooth team are all extreme fighting spirits. They can maximize the combat effectiveness of the two fighting spirits of the strong attack system!

The speed of xiasiyu followed the limit of the East.

Naturally, they also know that they will fall into a passive position on the sea, because Han Xiao's fighting spirit can make good use of this terrain.

The fury scale troops don't know this, so they are approaching the gold coast as quickly as possible!

At this time, Han Xiao and Dongfang are both sitting on the back of the nine nether tigers, which is also the way they keep moving at the highest speed

Si Xingyu while on the way, while observing the anger scale team, he saw Shen Ruyu has not been out of the safety zone, revealed a glimmer of joy.

"There are only two people on the other side. We can make a quick decision!" Si Xingyu whispered to the East in early summer.

"Yes..." Eastern summer Leng's nod, light voice way.

"Now we represent the glory of the family, and the Oriental master is also watching the game. Don't be soft hearted and let others look down on it." Si Xingyu whispered.

"I know, I'm still clear about the public and private affairs. I don't need you to remind me many times..." At the beginning of summer in the East, the eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and the light way.

This is not the first time that Si Xingyu mentioned this matter to her, and she has clearly indicated that she will never let water go.However, the more such a star rain is, the more abnormal she feels. However, the competition is around the corner and there is no time to think about it. She can only put all her mind on the competition.

Si Xingyu nodded his head at ease and immediately patted the bright Unicorn under his body, and his speed increased a little again.

Surprisingly, the two teams arrived at the Gold Coast almost at the same time!

The fighting spirit of light system is good at speed, and Si Xingyu's fighting spirit is still beyond the limit. How can the nine nether tigers arrive at the same time with her?

"Is it hard to make it nine? Is the ghost of the nether world a super extreme war spirit?" Si Xingyu's heart suddenly appeared a bad premonition, whispered.

"Don't you find that the nine nether tigers are different from what you saw before?" At the beginning of summer, the East called its own fighting spirit and whispered.

"Listen to you say so, it's really bigger than before, and the momentum is more powerful..." Si Xingyu couldn't help frowning and whispering.

"No wonder the other side has the courage to challenge us with three people. It turns out that they are prepared." At the beginning of summer in the East, his brows were locked and he said in a deep voice.

"But it's naive to want to make up for the gap in quantity just by using a super extreme spirit." Si Xingyu said with a sneer.

While speaking, Han Xiao also summoned his own fighting spirit. While calling the fighting spirit, he threw out a black gold magic Spirit card.

"Call for the mackerel -- call for the armed forces of the tide!"

Han Xiao's mouth shows a light smile, the magic Spirit card in his hand turns into a black streamer, which has not yet completed the call of the war spirit.

It's also a very difficult skill, and it takes a lot of training to do this

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