The area of this "awakening hall" is very exaggerated, which can accommodate more than 1000 people.

At the moment, the hall is full of people. There are thousands of students who come to Qingyun university to take part in the martial arts examination.

All of them are from Jiangshui city's subordinate counties and Jiangshui junior high school students who have the blood of war spirit. Almost everyone looks excited and nervous. After all, the awakening ceremony is about to be held. It is very important to be an outstanding war spirit teacher in the future!

"Students, please be quiet. First of all, congratulations on becoming the one in a hundred. Today, we are going to start the first part of the martial arts examination, that is, the awakening ceremony of war spirit. I will be responsible for this awakening ceremony. My name is Li Chang'an, who is also the age leader of Qingyun school. You can also call me director Li."

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in a black suit slowly stepped on the platform in front of him, with a serious face.

For a moment, the originally noisy "awakening hall" instantly quieted down. All the people were staring at the people standing on the high platform, for fear of missing any key factors.

After seeing that all the students were quiet, director Li cleared his throat again and said in a loud voice: "the martial arts test is divided into two levels. The first level is the awakening ceremony of the fighting spirit. All students who successfully awaken the war spirit can participate in the examination of the second level. However, all the students who have successfully awakened the senior warspirit are directly escorted to class a without taking part in the second level Assessment. "

All of a sudden, the whole "awakening hall" exploded, and all the students began to talk about it.

Some optimists believe that they will awaken the high-level warspirit, but most of the students are afraid that they have awakened a low-level warspirit, and even can not awaken the warspirit at all.

"Yu'er, do you know what a high-level war spirit is? Aren't all the war spirits just awakened? There are also higher and lower levels? " Feng Yixiu was confused and asked Shen Ruyu beside him.

"It seems that the warspirit alliance classifies these high-level and low-level warspirit according to the development potential of all the young spirits. Naturally, the warspirit with good development potential and strong strength is classified into the category of high-level warspirit, but as far as I know, it is divided into three levels: high-level, intermediate level and low-level." Shen Ruyu thought for a moment and then replied.

"What is the so-called class a?" There are still some doubts about the wind.

"This I'm not sure... " Shen Ruyu is also confused.

After all, she is not a native of Jiangshui City, and she does not know much about the division mechanism of Qingyun University.

As for the basic knowledge of war spirit, it is only through reading some books about war spirit, but it is only a little knowledge.

However, at this time, a tall man suddenly said: "according to the potential of Zhan Ling, Qingyun college will divide all the students into four levels of class A, B, C and D. this class A is naturally the best class among the four classes. When allocating resources, the school of course tends to give a lot of resources to class A, and the more resources it gets in the future The less. "

"Oh, oh So it is. " Feng Yixiu nodded his head seriously. Then he realized that it was not Shen Ruyu who answered him. He looked at the tall man beside him in dismay, then put out his right hand with a smile, and politely said, "thank you for your explanation. My name is Feng Yixiu, from Ningping county."

The tall man was a little surprised for a while, then he also extended his right hand and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Han Xiao, from Beijing."

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