"But you also need union currency to buy gray iron magic card! What's the matter with this? " The wind is also a little depressed.

At present, he knows that there are three ways to earn League currency. One is to complete the league's tasks. However, he is busy training every day, so he has no time to complete the League tasks.

The second is that you can get union currency through the establishment of the alliance, which is equivalent to the average monthly salary. However, as a student, you don't need to think about it at all.

Now there is only one way to earn union currency, which is to exchange magic card for union currency.

"First get a silver magic card and see if you can find someone to sell it!"

Feng Yixiu thought of doing it, and then chose a rare gray iron magic Spirit card that he owned as the main card, and then used other common magic spirit cards as upgrade materials.

"Hoo I'm so tired The wind also wiped the sweat on my face.

The whole process lasted two hours. The silver level magic card was much more tired than I thought.

Almost all of his spiritual power was consumed, and then he reluctantly synthesized a silver level demon card.

"Golden Toad - Golden armour, this magic card should sell for a good price Feng Yixiu holds the magic card in front of him and is very satisfied.

This is the first silver level magic card he synthesized. Unfortunately, it's not for his own use, but for sale. I still have some heartache.

However, as long as you earn money, you can buy more gray iron level magic cards, and then synthesize silver level magic cards, which makes me feel more comfortable.

He can only synthesize two pieces of silver a day, which is his limit.

Why didn't toad find the whole card The wind also scratched his head, a face of confusion.

Just now, he almost looked through the "magic card encyclopedia", but he didn't find the "Golden Toad" series of magic cards.

This card is from the gray iron level magic card "giant rhinoceros toad rhinoceros horn". Strangely, he did not find the magic card of "Golden Toad gold armor" in the silver level magic card.

Is it possible that there is no "giant rhino toad" that has evolved into a Warcraft above the Lord level?

"No matter, the synthesized ones are all synthesized. In any case, it's silver level. Take it and sell it!" Feng also shook his head and stopped thinking about these problems.

Feng Yixiu took a look at his watch and said in surprise, "my God, it's seven o'clock in the evening. It seems that we should hurry to go there."

So he quickly put the silver level magic card into the "magic book" and walked towards the door.

As soon as he went out, he ran to Han Xiao's room and pulled him up.

"Ah, ah Where are you pulling me? " Han Xiao looks confused.

"Brother Han, let's go to the alliance chamber of Commerce." Feng Yixiu said as he walked.

"Now to the Union Chamber of Commerce? What are you doing there? " Han Xiao looks puzzled.

"Don't you want an attack card when? To get you one? " The wind also repairs a smile way.

"Go to the alliance mall and get one? Do you have union currency? " Han Xiao is more confused.

Wind also Xiu light took out a silver level magic card, light way: "do you see this enough?"

Han Xiao didn't speak on the spot when he saw the silver level demon card. He immediately hugged Feng Yixiu's thigh and said with deep heart: "brother, don't call me rich second generation, I think you are humiliating me!"

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