Bai Tang's heart thumped for a moment, and a bad premonition made him look up to the sky involuntarily. At the moment, the white fog had dispersed a lot.

Just above the Holy Light lion and the Dragon beast, there was a jade Lin snake on the paw of the unimportant flaming finch. The jade Lin snake also spit out its tongue naughtily.

Han Xiao slowly lowered his head and looked at the jade Lin snake on the ground, and then he understood what was going on.

"No! The jade Lin snake used the shadow of snake spirit Bai Tang immediately exclaimed.

But when did he use the shadow of snake spirit? I have been paying attention to Yulin snake all the time. Even when I was attacking the turtle with all my strength, I was still staring at the Yulin snake. I should have no chance to be a part of myself!

Is it difficult to make the other side has already let the jade Lin snake separate before he plays?

The flaming bird opened its fire at the beginning, not to hold down Lin Xueer, but also to create white fog in the sky. Just now everyone's attention is fighting on the ground. Just Bai Tang and Li Xiu are in control at the same time, which naturally attracts Lin Xueer's attention.

Just now Feng Yixiu threw the jade Lin snake which had been hiding behind him into the sky when everyone was not paying attention to it. He was caught by the flaming bird which had been prepared in the sky, and flew to the Holy Light lion and the blue dragon beast at the first time.


Bai Tang and Li Xiu swallow their saliva at the same time, and the heart is about to reach the throat.

When I think of the battle in which Feng Yixiu was wearing three clothes yesterday, the huge black shadow in the white fog would be smashed into meat paste if the shadow of that degree was directly hit down!

"By any means! Get out of control Bai Tang issued an order at the first time.

Suddenly, Bai Tang and Li Xiu did not dare to reserve any more, so they used their own cards one after another. What he left for training was a "Tyrannosaurus furiously armed". All of a sudden, the whole body of the blue dragon beast was raised by half, and its strong muscles were full of wild fury. The mysterious water whirlpool that could have bound it could not even trap it.

He suddenly began to squat down, ready to jump out of the whirlpool of Xuanshui.

The bronze level magic card used by Bai Tang is a gray iron "unicorn - unicorn". A unicorn like white jade grows on the top of the Holy Light lion, which looks very sharp. However, it is a gray iron magic card, and the sword armour is hard without wind.

Shengguang lion is also ready to jump out, but at most can only jump out of the distance of five or six meters, can not jump out of the scope of Xuanshui vortex. But it can also reduce the harm you get.

"Haha Want to run now? It's a little late! The war roars Han Xiao sneered and roared.


When the Holy Light lion and the blue dragon beast had been separated from the ground, a wild roar even gushed out from the mouth of the naive turtle. The huge voice made everyone in the martial arts arena feel shocked.

A strong attraction directly absorbed the Holy Light lion and dragon beast in the air!

"My God! Han Xiao's warspirit of Dingban even used the sound wave control technology. It seems that Bai Tang and Li Xiu of class A are in danger The host in the sky finally saw the situation below and explained in a loud voice.

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