Jia Lan Ziyu smiles and says in a loud voice: "it's not necessary. Anyway, he can't beat me now."

After saying that, Jialan Ziyu's palm darted out a mass of purple fire, and took a cold look at Li Chang'an.

Suddenly, Li Chang'an was shocked, and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat. Now he really dare not have any more evil thoughts.

The reason why Jialan didn't retaliate against Li Chang'an was that he would not have met these three talents if he had not deliberately targeted him, and the resentment in his heart was much less.

As soon as the competition was over, all the students in class D rushed up like crazy, and lifted Feng Yixiu and others up to the sky.

The victory of this war means that all of them have become students of class A. in the future, there will be ten times more training resources than before!

And all this is because of the efforts of Feng Yixiu and others that they have such treatment. In the future, they will no longer be despised by others with colored glasses.

On the other side, the atmosphere of class A is a different situation. Almost all the students in class A are looking at the three members of class a team with disappointment on their faces.

In the future, they will lose the halo of class A and become the second-class students of class B, and they will no longer enjoy the best training resources.

Bai Tang and Lin xue'er leave the scene in the disappointed eyes of their classmates. Before they leave, they look at the cast into the air, and Feng Yixiu doesn't notice the whiteness of their knuckles.

An invisible fire of jealousy kept burning in their hearts!


Office of the president of Qingyun University.

"Oh! Mr. Zhou, how do you have time to come to see me

A man with eyes and gray hair was reading a newspaper when he saw principal Zhou come in and said in surprise.

This is Wang, President of Qingyun University. He is nearly 60 years old this year. Because he is old, President Zhou Yan is in charge of the general affairs of the school.

But after all, President Zhou is only the vice president. President Wang's approval is required for the major events in the college, and President Zhou's visit to him this time is just for a big event.

President Zhou sat down in front of Mr. Wang casually and said with a smile, "you see what you said! I'm fine. I can't come to see you! "

"I don't know about you, boy! You've always been on the Sanbao hall for nothing. Say it! What do you want from me Headmaster Wang turned his eyes to the newspaper in front of him and said faintly.

"I don't know if the headmaster knows about the class qualifying match the other day?" President Zhou said with a smile.

"How can I not know! It's said that Ding ban even attacked class A and became a new class A. It can be said that it is a miracle class Wang said as he looked through the newspaper.

"Don't you want to know how the new class a won the game?" President Zhou said mysteriously.

"Maybe this class A is too weak..." Headmaster Wang was absent-minded.

He is usually concerned about the major things of the school, such as this senior class qualifying competition, perhaps for senior one, it is a grand ceremony.

But it's not so important for the principal, and naturally he doesn't spend time on that game. His mind is generally in the all China League, after all, to improve the status of his college, or to see the results of that game.

That all China League match is equivalent to the national college entrance examination hundreds of years ago. It has a pivotal position!

"This class A is not weak! Their class three main force are all perfect evolution! In addition, there is another student who came in from the second day of the second year of senior high school in Heiyan college, but he is a second and ninth level sub dragon fighting spirit Master President Zhou looked at Mr. Wang with a strange smile and said faintly.

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