President Zhou suddenly raised his mouth and said with a smile, "I know that the headmaster has been worrying about the results of China Central League. Now that you have these three super talents, what else can you worry about! As long as you increase the inclination of resources, I don't say we can win the championship of China Central League, but it should not be a problem to win the top ten! "

President Wang slowly closed his eyes, as if in thinking. It has to be said that he has been moved by President Zhou's words. As long as he is willing to spend resources and devote himself to cultivation, the central China League will surely achieve a very good result in two years.

Although Qingyun college is the key college in Jiangshui City, it is not famous for the whole central China base. Every time the results of the central China League are not satisfactory, not a very close to the top 10.

Therefore, many high-quality students from large families will go to the top ten Zhanling college. Qingyun college is also very difficult to recruit very high-quality students. Although every year in the effort, but other people's students are indeed more excellent, Qingyun college even if it is hard to catch up.

Headmaster Wang slowly opened his eyes and said, "good! This session of class A are all equipped with the best resources, all class a resources plus half! For those three students, the spirit stone is unlimited supply, as long as they can use it up! Upgrade with magic card and evolution materials, the college can bear half the cost

"President Wang? Why not the full cost? " President Zhou has some doubts.

"Remember, even a genius needs to be honed! What I want is not the flowers in the greenhouse, but the towering trees that can grow into forests on their own! " President Wang glanced at President Zhou and said in a loud voice.

After hearing the speech, President Zhou was in awe, nodded his head and agreed: "it's really a headmaster! This kind of insight is really a model for us! "

"Don't flatter me!" Headmaster Wang smiles and continues to ask, "yes! This teacher is the most important! Who is the teacher of new class a now

"You don't have to worry about this. Now the teacher of class A is Jialan Ziyu." Zhou said with a smile.

"That's all right. It's settled! Go down and do it! " Wang said directly.

President Zhou nodded his head and said, "then I will do it."

After that, he left the headmaster's office with a happy face. This time, headmaster Wang was looking for the right one!

When President Zhou left the principal's office, President Wang looked at the ceiling for a long time and sighed: "I hope before I retire, I can see Qingyun college become one of the ten war spirit colleges in Central China base."


One month after the establishment of the new class A, two months passed.

In the past two months, all the students in class a of fengyixiu have worked out their own evolution path of fighting spirit, and all of them are above the elite level.

Hualing and yunmo developed a perfect evolutionary path through their battle spirit evolution route. However, he was not stupid enough to tell each of them about the evolutionary method, but through teacher Jialan.

After getting the evolution route of all the students in the class, Jialan looked at Feng Yixiu like a monster. However, she still guided the students according to the evolution route of Feng Yixiu.

It has been proved that there are not perfect evolutionary routes and methods that can achieve 100% success. However, there are still a small number of students who can only make ordinary evolution due to material or talent problems.

However, most of the students in class a have completed the elite evolution, and Hualing and yunmo have successfully completed the perfect evolution of double s level.

At this point, even if the new class of Taipa has become a new class, even if it has become a new class, it will become a waste class.

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