Lengfan, who had always been calm, suddenly became extremely excited. He rushed over and held up Pang Lei's collar: "what do you say? Say it again if you have the ability

Pang Lei was also infuriated by Leng fan's sudden offense, and said in a rage: "I said I was only here to earn union currency, not to fight for it. It's none of my business to die a few villagers here!"


Leng fan directly blows Pang Lei out with a fist and hits the wall behind him, causing a huge crack.

He was also a rural child when he joined the warspirit Alliance Army. At that time, his family was not a happy family.

But suddenly one day, a man full of blood lines came to his village. He was like a devil and directly summoned hundreds of demon bats.

More than 100 people in the whole village were swept by the devil storm formed by devil bats. All the villagers were drained of blood and turned into corpses. His parents saved him by hiding him in a wine jar full of fine wine.

Although the devil bat's sense of smell is very sensitive, but the strong smell of wine covered up the human flavor of young lengfan. He helplessly watched all the people in the village being slaughtered.

That kind of stimulation made him wake up the blood of Zhanling when he was only 9 years old. Later, he was included in the origin plan by the warspirit alliance, which made him feel cold today.

Pang Lei stood up reluctantly, staring at Leng fan, and said, "are you crazy? Don't think I dare to fight back! "

Feng Yixiu sneered and said, "if you want to leave, no one will stop you, but you should know the habits of the bloody devil spider. He especially likes to kill people who are left alone. You must know the wisdom of advanced Warcraft better than I do. Do you think you can escape from his hand alone?"

Pang Lei was stunned on the spot and said after a long silence, "I'm not afraid! I stayed to help you because of your pity... "

"We are cleaning up room by room now, and we can't let go of all these bloody devil spider cubs. Every one of them may kill a village again in the future!" Leng fan ordered.

Feng Yixiu and middie nodded at the same time. Although Pang Lei was not willing to, he still nodded.

The four are still in the same formation, one by one, killing the bloody spider cubs.

However, when they came to the biggest room, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

There is a huge blood pool in the middle of the hall of the largest house. There are several stone pillars with ancient inscriptions near the blood pool, which seems to be a very old ceremony.

Just above the blood pool was a huge silkworm chrysalis like object, but the pupa was blood red. This huge blood red silk chrysalis is connected with countless red spider silk, leaving it above the blood pool.

A strong smell of blood makes people feel nauseous, and middel almost fainted by the terrible scene.

"This This is the blood sacrifice array Leng fan stares at that ancient stone pillar, exclaimed.

"Captain, what is the blood sacrifice array?" Wind also repair doubts.

"This blood sacrifice array is used by the blood spirit Master to evolve the blood spirit! The so-called blood spirit masters are the Betrayers of human beings. They do not hesitate to kill their close relatives to prove their loyalty to the demons, so as to gain powerful power, and even make Warcraft obey his orders and become blood spirits! " Lengfan frowned.

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