"Brother Feng, what's wrong with you? Do you feel sick? " Shen Ruyu, on one side, observed the abnormality of Feng Yixiu and expressed concern on his face.

"No Nothing. You don't have to worry. " The wind also Xiu subconsciously answered.

At the moment, however, his heart was full of waves, and he could not help but wonder: "is this the legendary system? But What's the use of you? "


The answer to Feng Yixiu is a long silence, as if the cue tone in the mind has never appeared.

If he didn't feel the change of his body, he doubted whether he had hallucinations.

"Ah It's a dumb system, but I didn't hear anything wrong just now. I opened the blood of war spirit! That is to say, I am qualified to apply for Zhanling college! " The wind also cultivates, can't help but in the heart big happy way.

The head teacher carefully put the calling beads on the platform, pushed his glasses, and said in a positive voice: "cough I believe that you have been waiting for this day for a long time. This is to test whether you have the soul calling pearl of war spirit blood. Students who are willing to participate in the martial arts examination queue up to test. Those who have the blood of war spirit can participate in the martial arts examination regardless of their quality. "


Almost all the students rushed to the podium, trying to test whether they had war spirit blood.

For a moment, the small podium was surrounded by a water tight, all people are around the Pearl call, a face of hope to imagine their own future.

Three hundred years ago, Earth Star experienced the biggest catastrophe in history. The sky was split with huge dark cracks. Countless dark cracks were like ferocious wounds all over the sky all over the world.

People can even see the strange world through the cracks, and even see all kinds of creatures that only exist in the legend through the cracks. Even in China, people have seen the existence of dragons!

Of course, this dragon is not a Jurassic dinosaur, but a Chinese dragon with antler and snake body!

However, the scenes seen in the cracks of each place are different. For example, some people saw the existence of dragons in the cracks of China, while in northern Europe, they saw all kinds of strange Warcraft in Nordic mythology, such as the python that can encircle half of northern Europe, the giant python on earth - yemenggad!

Because of the appearance of the dark crack, countless monsters entered the earth star, and the original creatures on the earth star began to appear crazy mutation and atavism because of the appearance of the dark crack.

The creatures that could not threaten the supremacy of human beings have become more and more powerful. It seems that God is joking with human beings again. The only creature that has not changed is human.

That period was the darkest one hundred years for all mankind. It seemed that the earth star was once again back in the era of great wilderness. Even though human beings had scientific and technological power, they could only survive in front of these horrible Warcraft.

The only nuclear force that can threaten powerful monsters can suppress those monsters for a short time, but the nuclear radiation can accelerate the evolution of those monsters, and human beings have paid a heavier price later.

However, there is no way out of heaven. Just when human beings thought that they were going to be abandoned by the world, they finally discovered the secret key hidden in the human blood -- the blood of war spirit!

Through the war spirit awakening ceremony, human beings can successfully summon their own war spirit, and through the continuous cultivation of their war spirit, human beings began to have the capital to compete with those monsters.

This formed the most respected special profession on earth - warspirit master!

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