"Fifteen and a half year old war spirit Master? How could that be possible! " Old Chu looked at the wind as if he were a monster. He was surprised.

Now in the whole history of Zhanling division, the youngest person who breaks through the second level source martial arts is 17 years old. This boy even broke through the second level source martial arts when he was 15 and a half years old?!

How can this be done? It's not scientific!

Chulao suddenly became very kind and took Shentu Yijian aside. He said politely to Shentu Yijian: "Yijian! Can you lend me this boy for two days! I promise to send it back to you completely! "

The beautiful woman on one side also went up and threw a wink at Shentu Yijian, and said, "Yijian Don't forget you still owe me! This kid has to lend me two days first. I promise to make him die hard for our alliance base

Chu old on the spot was anxious, low voice hiss a way: "Zhong Li Mei, you a wind Department with me to rob a fart! Do you know what it means to be here? "

The woman who was called Zhong Limei was also furious and retorted: "such talents should come to our wind Department. What future can you have with you nerds?"

Feng Yixiu's hearing was so sensitive that he immediately heard the words of the two men, and his cold sweat came out.

What does it mean to send yourself back completely? Do you have to solve the problem?

And that woman is not a good judge at first. She should not torture herself!

This kind of drama can be seen in many TV dramas. It can't be really hit by yourself!

Now he really has some regrets to come to this alliance base. Can there be some normal people in it!

Feng Yixiu quickly asked lengfan to ask for help: "brother Leng, please take me to my room! I'm afraid I can't go again

Leng fan is righteous enough. He stealthily takes the wind away.

"Brother, I have never seen three ministers in the base fighting for one person! You dare to accept minister Zhong. You are my idol Leng fan was just watching.

Just when the wind was blowing away from the bell, his heart was about to jump out.

Don't say it's their younger generation. Even Shen Tu Yijian, the commander of their regiment, dare not accept minister Zhong like this!

"Minister Zhong? Isn't Shen Tu Yijian the commander of the army? " It's even more confusing when the wind blows.

"Our alliance base is not the only one. It is composed of four ministers. These four ministers perform their respective duties and are also responsible for their own fields. For example, the head of our army is the top commander of the fire department, and we all call him the head of the army." Leng fan explained patiently.

"Fire department? What about the other three departments? " Feng Yixiu continued to ask.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you slowly!" Leng fan continued: "our alliance Corps is divided into four departments of Fenglin volcano. The Minister of the wind Department is the woman you just met. Her name is Zhong Limei. The wind Department is the inspection department and has the right to review all war spirit masters."

"If the wind Department is compared to the shadow of the League corps, she is the one behind the scenes who plays the controller. Almost all the work that can't be done openly is done by them." Every cold road is very serious.

"Isn't that a spy?" The wind is too much to make complaints about Tucao.

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