He is very clear about the power of the Titan Python demon card. Bronze level can be doubled. If it is absorbed successfully, it should be tripled.

If we upgrade the Titan Python demon card from bronze to silver, I'm afraid it will be five times as big as terror!

And the other "Griffin - white wing" is the magic card he just got. The spirit in this card is very unfamiliar to him. He doesn't know where the other party's weakness is. The other party is still flying in the air. I'm afraid he can't even touch a hair of the other party!

What's more, the main function of this flying magic card is nothing more than flying. The strength of the card is nothing more than the speed of flight.

"All right! Then I'll choose the magic card of Titan and python After weighing the pros and cons, I finally made a choice.

Then there is the process of upgrading the bronze level demon card. Feng Yixiu takes out a magic Spirit card, which is the cheapest bronze level demon card in the alliance chamber of Commerce.

Feng Yixiu carefully put the magic card that needs to be upgraded on the main card slot, and then put the unimportant magic card on the secondary card slot.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

With a series of mechanical sounds, a bright silver light can not be dispersed for a long time.

Half an hour later, on the top of the card slot, there is a brand new silver magic card, Titan swallowing Python - Titan!


Feng Yixiu looks at the Titan swallowing the sky Python on the magic Spirit card. He can't help but swallow his saliva. This body size is almost doubled!

Originally more than 30 meters long, now it has reached more than 50 meters. The scales on the body surface are like rocks, emitting metal light.

"You have to kill it while you're sleeping! If he wakes up, he must wake up! " The wind also made up his mind.

At present, his most powerful attack is "thunder fighting spear". However, it takes too long to gather the thunder fighting spear.

If in the actual combat, if there is no teammate cover, it is absolutely impossible to use it.

However, if he had condensed the thunder spear and conquered the magic Spirit card, he could use the thunder spear at the first time.


Feng Yixiu has always been vigorous and resolute. Now that you have an idea, you should be ready to implement it immediately.

He started the "Thunderstorm mode", and all the force of thunder began to converge on his right arm, and the "thunder spear" which was close to the substance began to take shape slowly.

The condensation time of this time is obviously much faster than that of the last one, which may be the reason why the power of second-order gene lock is fully activated.

Then Feng Yixiu summoned up his own magic Scripture, opened his own magic book, and directly turned to the blank page 3.


After taking a deep breath, he directly put the "Titan swallowing Python" directly into the empty groove.

Suddenly, a strong and violent aura flew to the center of Feng Yixiu's eyebrows. His eyebrows seemed to have been severely damaged, and almost fainted.

He now knows why Lao Chu said that spiritual power must be more than 100. If he fails to reach that level of spiritual power, he is afraid that the spiritual impact may make him dizzy.

Not to mention the ability to conquer the silver level of the spirit, that is, I am afraid that even the face of the devil can not be seen!

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