"It's really successful. It's not easy!" Wind also Xiu caresses that silver level demon card, in the heart cannot hide the excitement.

Just in that spiritual world, he saw the Titan swallowing the python for a moment. To be honest, he had a trace of retreat.

If you don't despise yourself, I'm afraid you can't kill it at all!

At the moment, Feng Yixiu has been soaked in the sweat. He immediately went to wash and gargle.

The wind of fatigue was also repaired. He fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow. There were so many things happened that day. He was very tired.


The next morning.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

"Who is it?" Feng Yixiu gets up from the bed with sleepy eyes.

"Brother Feng, I'm Leng fan!" Outside the door came a familiar voice.


Wind also repair a face confused to go to the door, will cold fan to put in.

"Brother Feng, what do I think you haven't had a good rest?" Leng fan sees the wind also repairs two panda eyes, doubt way.

"I was a little late last night, so I didn't sleep well..." The wind also stretch a stretch, lazy way.

Then I went to the washing table and began to wash. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I recovered a trace of spirit.

Leng fan looks at the wind that wears good clothes to repair. After a careful examination, he feels that today's wind is also Xiu, which seems to be stronger.

"Brother Feng, did you break through last night?" Leng fan guessed.

"I'm worthy of being a soldier. This feeling is sensitive. I really broke through the third level war spirit division last night." The wind also repair smile ha ha way.

"What magic card did you absorb?" Lengfan is a little curious.

"The Titan swallows the python..." The wind is light.

"Scared to death I thought it was a griffin... " Leng fan patted his chest, as if he was relieved, and then the whole person suddenly stunned and exclaimed: "what! Titan Swallow the sky Python? Isn't that silver magic card? "

"Shhh..." Feng Yixiu quickly covered his mouth and whispered, "keep a low profile! I'm afraid that people in the forest department will hear me. Send me to be a specimen! "

"Wuwuwuwu..." Lengfan nodded his head to understand.

The wind also repairs, this just loosed the cold fan.

"Did you really absorb silver level demon cards? You're not kidding me Leng fan looks at the wind with suspicion, thinking it is a joke with him.

Feng Yixiu didn't explain. He immediately called out his magic book. Then he turned to the third page. It was the silver magic card that had been integrated with the magic card. The Titan swallowed the sky Python!

"Gulu..." Lengfan unconsciously moved his throat and exclaimed, "if you let old Chu know, I'm afraid you'll be happy!"

"What does it matter to him? It's not that he absorbed... " Wind also repair light road.

"He was ridiculed all his life because of his pure theoretical book. He devoted his whole life to verifying his theory. At the beginning, there were many super geniuses who cooperated with him because of his identity and fame, but after more than ten failures, no one wanted to believe him any more."

"It's hard for me to imagine how happy he would be to see you absorb silver level spirit cards in the second spirit this time." Leng Fan said seriously.

"You must keep it a secret! I'm afraid he's really pulling me into research. " The wind also looks at Leng fan and asks.

He still has a certain fear for that kind of scientific weirdo, which may be the reason why he has seen too many movies, which makes him reluctant to contact such people.

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