"No, this is absolutely impossible. How can you, an elemental spirit, go to Dingban! If the headmaster knows this, I will not be killed! " The teacher who was in charge of Shen Ruyu's awakening had just said.

It's not easy to find an element spirit. It's all taken as a treasure. If the headmaster knows that he has even assigned her to the fourth class, I'm afraid he will be expelled in anger!

"Anyway, your computer system list is public, and now no teacher has noticed my situation. You have so many teachers who are responsible for awakening. If you don't tell me, no one will know. Please..." Shen Ruyu pleaded in a low voice.

Now there are more than a dozen teachers in charge of awakening. Now they are all attracted to the awakening array of Bing Ling.

It happens that Shen Ruyu's awakening array is in the far left corner, while the awakening array that awakens Bing Ling is in the far right corner. Now, almost no one has noticed that Shen Ruyu has awakened the fire spirit.

And the list of computer systems used by these teachers in charge of awakening is public. It is impossible to confirm which teachers have awakened and which candidates. In any case, they follow this list one by one. After the awakening ceremony, just tick the system candidates.

"Well That's not good. I'm not afraid of ten thousand. Just in case, I can't let you go to Ding ban! " Responsible for the teacher to cut the railway.

Shen Ruyu frowned tightly and slowly turned to look at the wind under the stage. He found that he was staring at himself, and suddenly his heart became more firm.

Since this teacher does not enter such oil and salt, then don't blame me for using extraordinary means!

"Teacher, if you don't allow me to enter class D, I will quit the martial arts examination of Qingyun University. As far as I know, you are not the only intermediate Zhanling college in Jiangshui city! And before I quit, I have to tell the headmaster that it is because of your bad attitude that I am so disappointed in your college that I have to quit the martial arts examination of Qingyun University. Then What do you think the principal will do to you? "

Shen Ruyu's tone is out of the ordinary, and her tone suddenly becomes tough and cold.

He can see that the teacher is hard to eat soft, although he looks very calm, but the heart is very nervous, after all, this is the first time he learned to threaten others.

And the threat is not ordinary people. This is a teacher in charge of awakening in Zhanling college. It is impossible to be nervous.

The teacher, who was responsible for awakening, fell into silence for a moment, touched his forehead in cold sweat, and then gnashed his teeth and said, "OK! I promise you

If the headmaster knows that because of his own reasons, let an awakened yuan suling examinee be forced to leave Qingyun college, I am afraid his job will be lost!

It's better to get into class D than to go to other colleges!

After all, if you enter other colleges, with this girl's talent, she will certainly be trained by other colleges with all her strength. Isn't it a competitor for her own college at that time!

Therefore, after careful consideration, she finally agreed to Shen Ruyu's request. Her right hand trembled and picked up the pen beside the table, and wrote "Ding ban" in the column of suggestions for class division.

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