"You just served as the leader of the first team. I'm afraid some people won't accept you. I have a task here, which can help you accumulate some prestige."

After saying that, Zhong Li Mei hands Feng Yixiu a mission statement, which is a top secret letter.

Feng Yixiu opens it directly, takes a close look at the task content above, and suddenly the whole person's spirit is refreshed.

This is doze off, someone gives pillow!

The mission is called "exterminating the devil". The target of the mission is the Pang family. According to the secret information, the Pang family has secret business with the blood spirit Master.

The goal of this operation is to wipe out the Pang family and send them to the Ministry of wind for trial. If they resist, they can be brought to justice.

"This is the clue provided by Shentu Yijian. After the special investigation by the wind Department, it is found that there is something wrong with the Pang family. This is your first task. You can only win, not fail!" Zhong Li's eyes are firm.

Feng Yixiu nodded his head in a serious way, and replied, "I can't guarantee other tasks, but I won't fail this one!"

Just thinking about how to talk to Zhong Li Mei about this matter, how can I let go of such a good opportunity now.

Seeing the wind, Zhong Li nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "you have now unlocked the second gene lock. I can teach you some ancient martial arts. Are you interested in learning from me?"

"Now? Will it delay the mission? " Feng also asked.

"The task of exterminating demons can only be carried out at night. It will cause unnecessary trouble during the day, so you don't have to rush." Zhong Limei explained.

Generally, the operations of the wind Department are carried out at night, which has a certain relationship with the nature of the troops.

After all, the wind department carries out secret plans, which are really inconvenient to show up in the daytime.

"Well, it's still early, so I'll trouble minister Zhong." Feng Yixiu naturally won't refuse. Suddenly, he said curiously, "by the way, what's your code name, Minister Zhong?"

It seems that all the captains and vice captains of the wind Department have their own codes. As the boss of the wind Department, Zhong Limei must have its own code name.

Zhong Li said in a soft voice: "my code name, Luocha!"

"Luocha? Why not Yasha... " The wind also repairs, murmured in a low voice.

It seems that all the people's codes are animals. Why is the code of Zhong Li Mei not an animal?

Zhong Li swept the wind coldly and fixed one eye, and a cold and murderous spirit came: "hmm? What did you just say

Feng Yixiu counseled on the spot and said with a smile: "I mean this code is really nice. It is in line with your noble temperament."

"That's nature!" Zhong Limei then gave a satisfied smile and continued: "you boy, don't flatter me. Now I'll teach you more advanced application of Xingyi Bagua palm and jujitsu."

"More advanced applications? Jialan did not tell me that there are other applications of Xingyi Bagua palm and jujitsu... " The wind also repairs, some wonder way.

Jialan Ziyu is not the kind of person who teaches students to hide their own things!

"Do what you do at any stage. It is estimated that you only opened the first-order gene lock at that time. Teaching you these higher-level things at that time is no different from that of growing seedlings, which has no effect at all, and even affects your later study. Therefore, Jialan Ziyu didn't sue you, which is very normal." Zhong Limei explained.

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