"Now you want to run away? I'm afraid it's too late! "

"Empty cicada, instant body!" Maoyou's figure is suddenly approaching the extreme, and suddenly appears on the right side of the blood spirit Master.

I saw that the fingertip in his hand was like a wasp's tail pin, emitting a terrible cold light.

His fingertips gently toward the blood spirit Master's chest, and then he stepped back two steps.

Suddenly, a strange black mark appeared on the chest of the blood spirit Master. The blood spirit master looked at the mark of his heart position, and found nothing abnormal.

"Is this your spirit soldier ability? Are you tickling me again Blood spirit teacher a face disdain way.

He thought the cat would be very aggressive, but only left a small mark on his blood scab armor.

This blood spirit Master is a fifth level blood spirit Master. As a senior God demon envoy of heaven evil people, he is not as simple as the intermediate level demon emissary that Feng Yixiu saw before.

However, Feng Yixiu's battle was still in full swing. His thunder and dark force directly hit the Pang family owner's right shoulder, directly smashing half of his clothes.

"The third level warspirit division can also be the leader of the wind department? It's really interesting. I'm afraid you can exchange a lot of gold level magic cards if you sell you to tianyaozhong! " Pang's master looks at Feng Yixiu crazily.

"Pang family old dog, it seems that you haven't figured out your present situation! You Pang's family has been surrounded by us. I advise you to put your hands on it! " The wind also deepens the voice.

"It seems that there is no one in your wind Department. It's ridiculous that you should be the captain of a young boy! That's to see what you can do

"Cangshan wolf king, come out and hunt!" Pang family master summoned his own fighting spirit at the first time.

This is a mature war spirit. The Pang family master is a four level Four level war spirit division.

"Xiaobailou, hold that beast for me!" Wind also pointed to the side of the Cangshan wolf king.

Pang's master took a look at the spirit of the battle, which was also cultivated by the wind, and immediately became happy: "ha ha ha The jade Lin snake also delusions to compare with my mature Cangshan wolf king. I'm afraid that it is not enough to put teeth in my family's war spirit! "

This jade Lin snake is generally recognized as an abandoned war spirit. Moreover, its own Cangshan wolf king is a mature fighting spirit, and there is no comparability at all.

"Is it? Look carefully, then, what capital do you have to say that? " The wind gave a sneer.


Jade Lin snake and Cangshan wolf king directly came to a confrontation between the forces.

The sharp wolf claw directly collided with the tail hammer of Yulin snake, but it was still driven out by the terrible meteor tail hammer of Yulin snake.

If this place was not too narrow and located under the ground, and the wind was afraid of collapse, then Titan and white wing weapons would not be used.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the wolf king of Cangshan can't survive a round in front of the small white floor.

"This How could that be possible! " Pang's family master was in a daze.

What's the situation with NIMA?

Is it because I'm old-fashioned?

A growth period of the abandoned war spirit to their mature elite Cangshan wolf king to a move to fly?

"You still have time to care about your fighting spirit! Your opponent is me The wind does not give Pang's master time to react.

"Bang step!"

All of a sudden, Feng Yixiu's figure became very illusory, and it even rose directly into the air.

Although Pang's master is a level 4 warspirit master, he is only a level 1 warspirit master. He can't keep up with the speed of fengyixiu.

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