"Mr. Chu, have you ever heard of overeating fire toad?" Wind also repair mysterious smile, whisper.

"Cannibalism? No, that's your new evolutionary route? " Chu Laotou fog waterway.

Feng also nodded and comforted old Chu: "you can rest assured! This fire toad is enough to deal with hundreds of thousands of dead leaf locusts

The more he heard it, the more unreliable he felt. It was hundreds of thousands of dead leaf locusts!

That is comparable to the disaster level of Warcraft, a glutton toad can be done?

Not long after, ram's late battle spirit replica, a black eagle with a whole body like fine steel was sent over.

The warspirit clone is based on the gene copy of excellent warspirit, but the warspirit of this clone can only survive for about a week.

However, the existence of this replication technology makes up for the shortage of manpower for many warspirit masters, and there are some difficult tasks that no warspirit master is willing to take over.

For example, this plague of locusts, the hundreds of thousands of dead leaf locusts, the formation of the locust tide is very terrible, even the king of war spirit is not willing to go to dangerous places in person.

At this time, we have to rely on the replica of excellent warspirit to complete these tasks. At the same time, this technology has cross era significance for the evolution research of warspirit.

However, the current technology can only copy the mature warspirit, and the advanced warspirit humans can't decipher their genetic code.

The two evolution silos were opened at the same time. Feng Yixiu and gongyangchi each chose one and led their warspirit replicates into it.

There are a variety of materials in the evolution warehouse here, which are not like Qingyun college, which need to be prepared by themselves, and all are neatly placed on the shelf.

After all, this is the Research Institute of the Ministry of forestry. There is absolutely no place with more resources than here.

All of us are out there, nervous, waiting for evolutionary results.

Chu Lao is also anxiously looking at the wind repair outside the screen, closely watching the evolution of this side.

The screen on both sides is not as secret as Qingyun college, but shows the operation of the evolutor inside.

"Worthy of being a senior spirit Master, this technique is really skillful." Around gongyangchi's side, the spirit researcher near the evolution barn sighs.

Compared with Gongyang's technique, fengyixiu is a little rusty, but it is also fluent.

His first choice of Warcraft crystal core is a disaster level Warcraft crystal core, but to everyone's surprise, this is a native Warcraft crystal core!

"Is this boy crazy? How to use the earth series Warcraft crystal nucleus to evolve the fire system Everyone was surprised.

The warspirit of this attribute uses the Warcraft crystal core of what attribute, this is the common sense that beginners will know!

However, old Chu was ordinary. He knew the mysterious turtle, which was the first dual attribute fighting spirit.

Is this boy going to create another miracle?

Fengyixiu is still evolving step by step according to the evolutionary route of "God favored evolutionary system".


An hour later.

Gongyangchi is the first one to open the door of evolution barn. Next to him is a giant black eagle two people tall, which exudes a terrible pressure.

"Perfect black Luan Ming Eagle! The vice president has really succeeded! "

All of a sudden, around gongyangchi, the spirit Master sent out a burst of alarm. Looking at the tall and powerful black Luan Ming eagle, everyone was shocked.

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