"The black gold chamber of commerce card can get a 10% discount. A total of 45000 union coins have just been consumed, and 472500 union coins are left. It seems that someone is already using your research scheme to evolve warspirit." The old Chu general returned the black gold card to Feng Yixiu after using it.

Looking at the balance of the union, I still feel that some of the balance is still true.

No wonder the spirit Master is so respected. It's because this profession makes so much money!

"What are you doing there? Call out your spirit of war Old Chu saw the wind also Xiu is still some trance feeling, immediately loudly reminds way.

Feng Yixiu came back to his senses and immediately called out the jade Lin snake, and then carefully put it into the gene repair instrument.

Immediately the gene repair machine began to work.

"Ding! Repair target detected: Yulin snake "

" scanning for gene vulnerability. "

"Ding! A defense vulnerability has been detected and is being repaired... "

Xiaobailou seems to feel very painful, constantly moving back and forth on the way to gene repair.

Feng Yixiu looks at some heartache and looks at Chu Lao: "Chu Lao, how can I feel Xiaobailou very uncomfortable? Is there any problem? "

Chu Lao was calm: "this is a normal phenomenon, this gene repair is against the natural law of things, how can it be comfortable, but this technology is very mature, there will be no risk, you can rest assured."

Feng Yixiu calmed down a little, and suddenly asked, "can't this gene repair technology work on humans?"

"As an advanced animal, the gene chain of human beings is very complicated. We are far from reaching this level. However, it is not difficult for the growing and mature fighting spirits." Chu responded.

"So why fix the gene leak only once? Can't this be modified a few more times? " Feng Yixiu continued to ask.

"What do you think the gene chain is! Iron chain? This modification is already the maximum range that the gene chain can bear. If it is modified many times, I'm afraid the warspirit will die on the spot! " Chu Lao looked serious.

The wind is also cultivated, that is to say, shivering, it seems that their own thinking is too simple.

It's no wonder that no one has ever been able to make warspirit reach 5S level in the growing period. The conditions are too harsh.

"Ding! The target warspirit was successfully restored. "

"Defense a has been upgraded to s."

"Ding! It is detected that there is a gene mutation in Zhanling and there is a phenomenon of blood returning. Please check it by yourself

All of a sudden, Chu Lao and Feng Yixiu were shocked by the sudden change.

"Blood return group?"

"Gene mutation?" The two men exclaimed at the same time.

At the moment, the jade Lin snake in the gene repair instrument has undergone a very strange change.

It's slightly larger, although his scales are still as white as jade, but there is a feeling of crystal clear.

Around the white light through the refraction of the scale of the small white building, emitting a colorful light, the whole is like a colorful glass general, extraordinary beauty!

At this time, the jade Lin snake's whole body was emitting seven colors of light, even its vertical pupil showed a strange colorful light, and the whole body exuded a desolate and heavy breath.

"This Is this a colorful jade Lin snake Chulao's pupil shrinks sharply and looks at the battle spirit of Feng Yixiu in disbelief.

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