It is no wonder that the first king of the Holy Spirit is not known, and even many young war spirit masters do not know that there is an early king of the Holy Spirit above the four guardians.

It's really that the first king of the Holy Spirit is too mysterious and low-key. All the information is poor and can't be understood at all!

"Due to the lack of information about the first king of the Holy Spirit, many experts and scholars have now proposed that the first king of the Holy Spirit does not exist at all. It is a mythical figure imagined by the ancestors who have been suppressed for too long." Old Chu seemed to have fallen into a long memory. He took a look at Feng Yi Xiu and said, "now that you appear, I'm afraid you'll have to fight those experts and scholars in the face."

At first, many experts and scholars thought that the first king of the Holy Spirit did not exist at all. They also listed many reasons. One of them was the fighting spirit of the early king of the Holy Spirit, the colorful jade snake.

In the whole war spirit world, all the Yulin snake fighting spirits are all abandoned war spirits, which even elite evolution can't do. There is no such colorful jade snake that can emit colorful light in the Holy Spirit atlas.

Therefore, those experts and scholars concluded that the early king of the Holy Spirit was a legend, and there was no such character at all. Or a character made up to frighten other countries.

Xiaobailou slowly woke up and slipped out of the instrument slowly. He rubbed his face with great affection.

The whole white building under the strong light is still white, but it is more crystal clear than before. The whole person is like a beautiful sculpture.

At the moment when Xiaobai building touches fengyixiu, the brand-new property panel of Xiaobai building appears in the mind of fengyixiu.

[war spirit name]: colorful jade forest snake

[war spirit attribute]: Thunder system

[war spirit level]: growth period

[war spirit quality]: perfect (extreme)

[war spirit level]: three levels and three levels

[war spirit skills]: death, hanging, thunder rage, snake spirit shadow

[evolution maturity requirements]:

Feng Yixiu takes a close look and is surprised to see that the name of the war spirit has changed.

It seems that what Chu said is true. There is such a growing fighting spirit as Qicai Yulin snake. That is to say, the early king of the Holy Spirit is also true.

At the moment, Chu's face suddenly became ugly and sighed: "I don't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing to let you become a colorful Yulin snake. Your evolution plan in the future is really a blank!"

This "Holy Spirit atlas" is only about the Holy Spirit's map and introduction, but there is no evolution method of the Holy Spirit!

Perhaps the lineage of the four guardians may have the evolution of the Holy Spirit, but they generally choose to keep it secret. It is absolutely impossible to sell the Holy Spirit's evolutionary route for a little union currency, and the state will not allow them to do so.

Because no one can guarantee that this holy spirit evolution method will not be embezzled by evil organizations or enemy countries, otherwise, it will be a real tiger breeding!

Therefore, it is almost impossible for the Holy Spirit evolution scheme to exist. Even the evolution methods of polar body and spirit are very rare, and the conditions are extremely harsh!

Feng Yixiu waved his hand and said with ease: "even if it's not the colorful Yulin snake, the path of evolution after maturity is not a blank."

Chulao chuckled: "what you said is also true. It is such a situation."

Feng Yixiu, even the jade Lin snake, can evolve perfectly. Even if he has become a colorful Yulin snake, it must not be worse.

This kid can't be reasonable!

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