"So you mean that I have to kill to train the killing field?" The wind also repairs the frown road.

"Yes, but it's not necessary to kill people. Killing Warcraft can also train Sha Qi. Generally, killing strong people can train Sha Qi faster, and it's also related to the talent of the original martial arts." Zhong Li Mei Dao.

"Talent? What talent do you mean? " Feng also inquired.

Zhong Li Mei shook his head and replied, "it's hard to say. The higher the general mental strength, the faster the accumulation. But this is not absolute. For those who dare not even step on ants, they will never be pitiful and have murderous spirit."

"The higher the spirit, the more able to resist this murderous field?" Feng also asked.

"If you want to be able to escape from the field, you will be able to learn to kill Qi." Zhong Li's charming light way.

Feng also nodded his head and felt the power of the field of murderous Qi. Naturally, he wanted to have more means to resist the enemy.

Hearing this, the cat is ready to withdraw from the top floor of the wind Department building.

Unexpectedly, the bell from the charm is called her, slowly way: "cat and you also stay to learn together!"

"Me? Is that all right? " The cat felt a little flattered and surprised.

Feng Yixiu immediately pulled the cat over again and said with a smile, "the head of the bell department has said that. You can stay and learn with me."

"The cohesion method in the field of murderous spirit is to have a heart of killing. This eye is the best way to release the murderous spirit..."

Then Zhong Limei trained Feng Yixiu and Maoyou in the field of killing Qi.

However, the master's practice depends on the individual. The quality of his practice depends on his understanding.


Time is like a fleeting moment. Feng Yixiu spent more than half a year in the alliance base.

Compared with his time in Qingyun University in the past six months, he can say more substantial.

In the daytime, he will follow the old chulao of the forest department to carry out some research on the fighting spirit, as well as some basic spiritual research knowledge.

If the former fengyixiu had evolved warspirit by relying on the ability of "God favored evolution system", now he can at least roughly describe the basis and theoretical basis of such evolution.

Not only that, fengyixiu also got a lot of first-order original medicaments in the forest department, which completely solved the problem that he could not let ordinary people evolve into first-order original martial artists.

In the past six months, Feng Yixiu had already fulfilled the league's obligations, but he had been going out to carry out tasks in order to quench his murderous spirit.

Rich mission experience makes him more mature and steady, and his temperament is fierce.

Fengyixiu has also been upgraded from level 3 and level 3 to level 3 and level 8 warspirit division. The field of Sha Qi has also taken shape.

This night was his 52nd mission to the Ministry of wind, which was aimed at a village not far from Hanchuan City.

"Captain! The task has been completed successfully. Please give instructions! " A member of the wind Department with a black mask walks up to Feng Yixiu and kneels down the tunnel on one knee.

In the past six months, fengyixiu has been firmly established in the wind Department. With the assistance of cat and his own super potential, almost all members of the first team are convinced.

In particular, Feng Yixiu is very generous to his team members. He will think of his team members as soon as he has welfare.

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