"If I hear a bad word about yu'er, whether it's from you or not, I'll blame it on you. Then it won't be as simple as today, and I'll let you know what it's like to live like death!" The wind also Xiu looks down at Lin Xueer with his hair covered and says in a sharp voice.

Lin Xueer suddenly felt as if she had entered the cold winter, and a sense of unspeakable fear completely submerged her.

Although I want to stand up and scold Feng Yixiu and Shen Ruyu, I can't say anything.

"Jade son, let's go." The wind also repairs a face to look at Shen Ruyu gently, light voice way.

Shen Ruyu takes a complex look at Lin Xueer, and goes with the steps of Feng Yixiu.

Han Xiao immediately followed up and said with a face of worship: "it's really a relief. What's the matter with your eyes just now? It feels so terrible! "

Wind also Xiu a light smile, explained: "this is murderous gas, kill more people, you can also."

"Ah?" Han Xiao was startled and said in surprise, "what have you experienced in the past six months?"

"Guess..." Feng Yixiu made a grimace and avoided talking about it.

Lin Xueer looks at the back of Feng Yixiu and others and Shen Ruyu's happy smile. A nameless fire of jealousy suddenly rises.

"Shen Ruyu, wind also repair! I will make you pay for it Lin Xueer is like a fierce ghost coming out of the abyss. Under her clenched fists, her nails pierce her skin.


After Feng Yixiu and Han Xiao send Shen Ruyu back to the dormitory, they return to their long lost student apartment.


Open the door, or the familiar living room, everything seems so familiar.

The whole living room is one floor without dyeing, and all the furniture and floors are as clean as new!

"Welcome home! What's the matter? I took good care of it during your absence for half a year, didn't I? " Han Xiao looks like you praise me.

The wind also repairs in the heart head is warm, but still the facial expression did not have the nod, the light way: "is also good! As a reward, I'll give you a gift! "

All of a sudden, his eyes brightened, and he quickly came to embrace the shoulder of Feng Yixiu and said excitedly, "what gift?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Wind also repair some hesitant way.

He did not know whether Han Xiao had ever taken the first-order origin medicine. He had said before that he would try to find a way to do it, but he did not know whether it was possible.

No matter, take it out first and ask him if he wants it!

Then Feng Yixiu took out a tube of the first-order origin potion, shaking and saying, "have you ever drunk this thing?"

"Origin potion! How could you have this! " Li Xiu immediately snatched the original potion in the hand of Feng Yixiu.

"Have you not drunk it?" Feng also asked.

"Ah Don't mention it. I went to a relative in the central China base and asked him to help me get a bottle of origin potion. He refused to help me, don't mention being so stubborn Han Xiao is a little sad.

He knew that his family looked down on him, but he didn't expect to be so serious!

This time, he was totally disappointed with his family. Maybe some people didn't want to grow up.

Feng also patted Han Xiao on the shoulder and comforted him: "it doesn't matter. It's just a bottle of first-order origin potion! How much you want! As long as you wake up, I promise to let you break the second gene lock immediately

After saying that, Feng Yixiu took out a lot of original potions and threw them directly to Han Xiao. He continued: "these are all for you! You can give it to anyone who has more potential in our class! "

These are all brought by Feng Yixiu from the forest department. He can buy these original medicines at a very low cost, so he won't feel heartache at all.

"Gulu..." Han Xiao's whole person is silly, a face is muddled to look at the origin medicament in his arms, feeling a bit like a dream.

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