"You Have you figured it out? " Wind also repair a face vigilant way.

The little girl in black hesitated for a long time and said, "you Do you have anything to eat? "

"Food? You came back to eat? " The wind also makes a face incredible.

There are Warcraft all around, even if the grain reserves are finished, you can kill Warcraft!

How can you be hungry?

But carefully looking at the little girl's face is indeed some pale, and is not very clean, looks like has not taken care of for a long time.

"Why are you so troublesome? Do you have anything to eat? " The little girl in black seemed to be a little embarrassed and said with shame and anger.

"There is There are some! " Feng Yixiu immediately took out a packet of compressed biscuits and handed it directly to the little girl.

The little girl saw the compressed biscuit in the hand of Feng Yixiu, her eyes were almost straight, and she snatched it over.

Then he directly tore open the packaging bag and gobbled it up.


Feng Yixiu looks at the little girl's swallowing and frowning.

How long has the little girl been hungry?

This tasteless compressed biscuit is like eating seafood!


Suddenly, the little girl's face turned red and pointed to her neck, unable to speak for a long time.

Then Feng Yixiu immediately took out a bottle of mineral water and handed it directly to the little girl. He said faintly, "eat slowly, no one will rob you!"


The little girl began to drink the whale again. A bottle of water was finished in an instant.

At this time, the little girl's pale face finally became a little bloody, and the whole person was no longer in a state of wavering.

"Thank you..." The little girl in Black said thank you very much.

"It's not easy to hear you say thank you! I'm also a little hungry. This king of golden feather carving looks good. Do you want to eat it The wind also pointed to the golden feather carving king, light way.

"No Don't eat... " The little girl in black put her hands around her chest and turned her head.


Feng also Xiu didn't force himself to take out a dagger, and then took two pieces of fat meat.

More than ten minutes later, two pieces of barbecue with oil and water are ready. It's very tempting to see that the outside is burnt and the inside is tender!

Feng Yixiu picked up one of the barbecues, shook it in front of the little girl and said with a smile, "are you sure you don't want to eat it? Compressed biscuits don't have any nutrition. If you eat them for a long time, they will be malnourished. "

"Gulu..." The little girl in black swallowed a little saliva, but still stubborn way: "this big miss said not to eat is not to eat!"

"Ah Please wipe your mouth before you speak! It's coming out! " Wind also repair can't help but say will be in the hands of the barbecue into each other's mouth, shook his head, helpless way.


The little girl in black first struggled symbolically, then her eyes suddenly brightened and said excitedly, "what is this! It's delicious, too

Then, regardless of the startled wind, he began to bite.

The wind also Xiu sees facial features all twist together, light way: "eat slowly, child, enough? Not enough. I'll bake you another piece! "

The little girl in black swallowed all the meat in her mouth. She was dissatisfied and said, "you are a child. I am almost eighteen years old this year."

"Ah? Then you are stunted The wind also widens his eyes and looks surprised.

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