"Han Xiao! Of course I can find it... " Feng Yixiu didn't even hear him clearly, so he quickly agreed.

No, who is she looking for?

Han Xiao?! Can't you hear me wrong?

"Who did you say you were looking for? Is it Han Xiao from the Han family of the four families? " Wind also repair a face serious way.

"You Do you know Han Xiao? " The little girl in black couldn't say the excited words clearly, including a vague way.

If it's the same name, it doesn't matter, but he clearly heard that Feng Yixiu mentioned the Han family of the four big families.

That must be the Han Xiao you are looking for!

"Are you Late summer in the east? " Feng Yixiu examined the little girl in front of her and said in a deep voice.

"How do you know the name of Ben? What did Han Xiao tell you? " The east end of summer a face of incredible, surprised way.

"Of course it is! He is my brother, and he often mentions you to us, saying that the most sorry is you The wind also cultivates a happy way.

It's really a coincidence that I ran into brother Han's childhood sweetheart. How can I justify myself!

"He Is that what he really said? " The end of summer in the East suddenly became pinched and bowed.

"Of course." The wind also makes a promise.

"Hum! Even if he still has some conscience, it's worthwhile for me to sneak out to look for him! " In the end of summer in the East, a light smile revealed the lovely little tiger teeth.

"Ah? Did you sneak out? Is your family not worried? " Feng also inquired.

"I care about them! Who told them to break up Han Xiao and me? I don't want any Oriental family! " In the end of summer in the East, there was a cold voice.

"All right! When I kill that disaster level Warcraft, we will go back The wind also repair smile ha ha way.

"Then what are we waiting for! What Warcraft are you going to kill? Let's kill it now The eastern summer end one face's can't wait, excited way.

"It's not urgent. Now the dark crack has not been fully opened. The Tyrannosaurus Rex should not have appeared yet." Wind also repair light road.

"Crazy electricity Tyrannosaurus Rex At the end of the eastern summer, he looked at the wind as if he were a fool. Then he clasped his fist and said, "goodbye!"

After saying that, he was ready to leave without looking back.

Feng Yixiu held her tightly and said in a deep voice, "are you up to it? Isn't it a disaster level Warcraft? "

At the end of the eastern summer, he stood on tiptoe and touched the forehead of Feng Yixiu with the back of his hand and said to himself, "this is not a fever! Why are you always talking nonsense

"Isn't this king of golden feather carving also a disaster level Warcraft? Didn't we kill you, too? As for such exaggeration? " The wind also repairs a face puzzled way.

"The Warcraft in the dark crack can't be judged by common sense. The strength of the disaster level Warcraft in the dark crack is comparable to the disaster level Warcraft, or even more!" At the end of summer in the East, his face was tense.

Feng Yixiu realized the seriousness of the problem and frowned: "that's my carelessness..."

"To deal with this kind of Warcraft, many people must hunt together. It's better to hunt with the king of warspirit, so that we can have some confidence." At the end of summer in the East.

"Must many people hunt together? You have to fight the spirit king to deal with it? Where can I find someone now The wind also repairs a sad face.

"If you have to hunt that Tyrannosaurus Rex, I suggest you go to the hunting group for help. I happened to come across a large hunting group stronghold a few days ago. It seems that it is not far away from here. I can take you there." The end of summer in the East.

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