"I know that commander Zhang is very good, so I won't beat around the Bush! The beast we want to kill is called Tyrannosaurus Rex Feng Yixiu first expressed his thanks by holding his fist and then said frankly.


Zhang Heng suddenly spits out the tea in his mouth, and the teacups in his hands are almost unstable and fall on the ground.

"Commander Zhang, are you afraid?" At the end of the summer, the East sneered and then said in a loud voice.

"Asshole! Who made this tea? Did you want to burn me to death Zhang Heng suddenly handed the cup in his hand to the little fat man.

The chubby little fat man scratched his head as soon as he finished the tea cup. He was puzzled and said, "the tea is cold, sir..."

"Poo Hoo..."

Feng Yixiu and the eastern end of summer did not hold back, directly laughing.

"Yuanji, did you mean it! You don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb! " Zhang Heng fiercely glanced at the fat man on one side, gnashing his teeth in a low voice.


Yuanji nodded obediently, then stood aside with a teacup and stopped talking.

"Ha ha ha Of course, the Tyrannosaurus rex has no problem, but we have a heavy hunting task these days, so we can't afford time Zhang Heng said with a sad face.

Wind also Xiu sneered, Zhong Li Mei said to himself: in the adult world, if you don't promise, it's rejection!

"Three out of print gold magic cards!" Feng Yixiu immediately stretched out three fingers and said in a cold voice.

"This..." Zhang Heng, who has just been very firm, is now very tangled.

Although the magic card of the dark crack is extremely precious, one can be compared with two out of print magic card.

The value of three out of print gold level magic cards is probably more than the value of dark magic cards!

But the Tyrannosaurus Rex is too fierce, I'm afraid it's not so easy to deal with!

Besides, there are also greedy wolf hunting groups

"Five out of print magic cards!" The wind also saw that Zhang Heng was still tangled. He directly released two fingers and stretched out a slap.

"Five Five out of print magic cards Commander Zhang Heng could not sit still. He stood up directly from his seat, his face full of horror.

What is wealth and boldness? This is the real wealth!

"Not satisfied? Then our Qingfeng chamber of commerce can recycle all your magic spirit cards at the market price of six layers! " This time, Feng Yixiu stood up and said in a loud voice.

"Six Are you serious about six tier price recycling? " Zhang Heng, the whole person was suddenly chips to pressure, almost breathless to come, intermittent way.

In the cooperation between chambers of Commerce and hunting groups, the price of recycled magic cards is five layers of the market price. Even the highest price is no more than 5.5 layers.

Because this magic card is an important resource, all trading countries will charge high taxes.

The hunting group can not be established if it wants to be founded. It must be approved by the warspirit alliance. Only after it is qualified can it legally hunt and kill demon spirit cards in the mang Huang isolation zone and trade a large number of them.

Otherwise, there won't be so many scattered card hunters. They just don't have the qualification to set up the hunting group. They can only be scattered Warcraft hunting alone.

Six layers of price recovery, that is an unprecedented price, and this brings profit is long-term!

"What? Are you not satisfied with such conditions? Then I'll have to cooperate with other hunting groups! "

After that, Feng Yixiu got up directly and walked slowly towards the gate of the camp.

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