"You Let go of me In the end of summer, the East struggled in the air, but she was just a second-order martial artist, unable to shake the arm of blood wave.

The blood wave has already been infuriated, the strength on the hand becomes bigger and bigger, the eastern summer's face is also more and more red.

"Wait a minute. I'll take the girl."

All of a sudden, Ma Huichang, who has been standing on one side to watch the drama, comes up and stares at the end of summer in the East.

"Ma Hui Chang's interest is very unique! Are you interested in all these little girls? " The strength on the hand of blood wave is smaller, smile way.

"Haha This is just a good mouthful from the president. You must be merciful The horse will smile and squint.

"All right! I'll give you this face, but can we raise the price of cooperation? " Blood wave smile way.

"It's easy to say. How about five stories and five stories?" The horse will smile and squint.

Blood waves immediately released their hands, allowing the east to fall directly on the ground at the end of summer.

"Cough, cough..."

The face of the eastern end of summer this just looked better, a face of resentment staring at that constantly close to the horse president, constantly backward.

"Little beauty, don't be afraid! As long as you and uncle me, how about I make you the vice president of my new chamber of Commerce? " Ma Hui long face excited rubbing hands, lewd smile way.

"Pooh! Get away from me At the end of the eastern summer, he despised the way.

"Xiao Ni Zi, I advise you not to toast or not to eat or to be punished! If I'm angry, I don't have your good fruit to eat Chairman Ma wiped his face and said angrily.

Then very rude want to reach out to touch the face of the eastern end of summer, but was severely bitten by the eastern end of summer.


Ma Changchang cried out in pain, and then he directly threw the eastern end of summer to fly out and fell directly to Feng Yixiu's side.

"You let her go! What's the matter with me? What skill is it to embarrass a little girl? " Zhang Heng keeps trying to break free, but his body has reached the limit and can't make it work.

The strength under the foot of the blood wave increased again. He stepped on his face directly into the soil and said in a loud voice, "be honest with me! Haven't you figured out the situation yet? You're out of your way, and you care about other people? "

"Damn it!"

Zhang Heng hit the ground with his fist, and his anger was put out mercilessly.

He looked helplessly at the sitting wind Yixiu and said in a loud voice, "the wind will grow, the wind will grow, and you will wake up quickly!"

At the end of summer in the East, he also climbed to the side of Feng Yixiu and cried: "the wind is also Xiu. If you don't wake up, I'll bite you!"

All of a sudden, blood wave and Ma president smell speech after are looking at each other, at the same time issued a laugh.

"Ha ha ha Are you expecting a third level warspirit master? Did you get kicked in the head by a donkey? " The blood wave covered his stomach and laughed.

Chairman Ma also showed a disdainful smile and said: "the boy's business talent is good, but he is only a third level war spirit Master. What if he wakes up? Can you turn the sky? "

Even if he swaggered to the front of Feng Yixiu, he disdained to say: "is this boy healing? I'll let you report to the yama now

After saying that, Ma Huichang took out a sharp dagger and drew it directly to fengyixiu's throat.

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