Zhang Heng and Dongfang both nodded in agreement.

Later, the east went to the camp of the crazy iron hunting regiment at the end of summer.

The wind also saw that the eastern end of summer had gone alone, and said faintly: "I said the end of Eastern summer! Don't you see that we're all broken? Can't you give us a hand? "

"I am very tired, OK? You can help yourself to go back."

In the end of summer, the East began to hop towards the camp of the crazy iron hunting regiment, without the slightest intention of supporting the wind and repairing Zhang Heng.

Time and a smile, but also a face constant.

She is worthy of being the eldest lady of a large family. She has a remarkable temper.

"The eldest lady of the Oriental family has a little bit of a normal temper. Let's help each other to go back!" The wind also repairs helpless bitter smile.

Then Feng Yixiu and Zhang Heng helped each other and limped back to the hinterland of the crazy iron hunting group.

But before going back, Feng Yixiu did not forget to remove the Warcraft crystal core of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

This Warcraft crystal core is the top-level Warcraft crystal core, the overall color is cash yellow, and there are golden thunder flashes from time to time, which is very beautiful.

The reason why Feng Yixiu insisted on killing the tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus is that on the one hand, it is for his magic card, on the other hand, it is to obtain the Warcraft crystal core.

Now that he has broken through to level 4 warspirit master, he can make Yulin snake evolve into a mature warspirit.

Among them, the most precious crystal core of the disaster level thunder Asian Dragon species has been obtained, and the rest of the materials can only be left by Shen Qing.

On the one hand, the evolution of warspirit is related to the evolution scheme, and the most important thing is the quality of evolutionary materials.

He is very much looking forward to this top-level Warcraft crystal core to let his jade Lin snake evolve to what extent!


Almost all the members of the crazy iron hunting group were injured, so it took several hours to return to the camp of the crazy iron hunting group.

However, the scene in front of them shocked everyone. They saw the crazy iron hunting group making a mess, and the whole camp was in a state of disrepair.

Many of the members of the hunting regiment who were left to guard the camp fell to the ground, crying bitterly, and almost everyone was more or less injured.

Zhang Heng immediately rushed to a guard guarding the entrance, helped it up and said in a loud voice, "brother, what's the matter with you?"

"Regiment Your honor, shortly after you left, the evil spirit hunting group raided our camp, and began to rob everywhere. The treasure house for storing the magic spirit cards was also looted! " The seriously injured League member's face was indignant.

"Damn it! I must avenge the attack when all our elite troops are out! " He yelled.

"Chief officer, I'm sorry, it's us that are useless, and we didn't protect our magic card treasure house..." The guard was very self reproachful and said softly.

"It's not your fault. You are all good. You can get the magic card again if you don't have it." Zhang Heng gently lifted the wounded up and said in a soft voice.


For a time, many members of the crazy iron hunting group were full of tears and made up their minds.

In any case, his life with this Zhang group leader!

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