"Shadow attack ghost chop!"

At the end of the eastern Xia Dynasty, an order was issued immediately. Two ghost choppers risking their breath directly cut their throats, and they fell down without even a hum.

The evil eye tiger crept to one side to control the switch of the fortress guard, and directly broke it to the other side.


A heavy roar sounded, and the heavy gate of the fortress opened slowly.

The energy barrier covering the whole hunting regiment began to be lifted, and all automatic weapons slowly lowered their heads and lost their aggressiveness.

"Yes! Great The wind also sees this excited way.

"Now it's our turn to play! Remember to catch the king first and get the leader of the other party first. The rest of the league members are not a problem! " Zhang Heng gave an account, and he immediately summoned his own fighting spirit.

"No problem, the chief of the forest evil, right? Give it to me." Wind also repair a face, confident way.

They had done a lot of preparation before they came, including the appearance of the main members of the evil spirit hunting group.

After that, Gu Yu's hunting spirit went directly to the evil spirit ground.

Zhang Heng saw the wind also Xiu's back, but sighed: "now the young people are really tiger!"

"All the members of the regiment will go in with me!" Zhang Heng gathered his own spirit soldiers and pointed to the entrance of the evil spirit hunting group.

"Go! Let them pay for their blood

All the members of the wild iron hunting group rushed towards the evil spirit hunting group like beating chicken blood.

But before they could rush in, there was a roar of explosion from the whole camp of the evil spirit hunting regiment.

"Overlord meteor shower!"

In the dark night, the jade Lin snake is full of golden light, and the outer layer is covered with colorful halo.

The golden overlord meteor shower is just like the meteor shower falling from the sky. It is very beautiful!

"Boom, boom..."

The roar of the explosion came one after another, and many people lost their lives without even waking up.


In the center camp, commander Lin was awakened by the huge sound, and woke up with a confused face.

At this time, a member of the League rolled in and rushed in: "no! The commander is not good, someone is calling in! "

"Who called in? How many people are there? " Head Lin's face was confused.

"At present I saw a white snake and a black tiger The regimental commander said in a panic.

Commander Lin kicked the man away with a black face and said angrily, "do you think Laozi is a fool? It feels like an earthquake outside. You tell me about two fighting spirits. Do you believe I'll fan you to death? "

"Little injustice! It's really a white snake and a black tiger! The white snake is a Yulin snake, but I don't know the black tiger. " The League member quickly explained.

"The more you talk, the more ridiculous you are! Jade Lin snake you can say? Do you really think I can fool around when I'm drunk This time, commander Lin was even more angry.


As soon as the voice fell, a golden Titan hammer landed directly in the center of the camp, smashing a huge hole in the center of the camp.

Commander Lin took a look at the golden meteorite like thing several meters high, and then looked up through the big hole to see the huge jade Lin snake in the sky, which was shining with gold. The whole person was stupid.

"My mother! It's really a jade Lin snake Commander Lin sat down on the ground, and most of the wine woke up.

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