"Ha ha ha It's a great fight today

Zhang Heng swaggered into the room and saw that he had won the battle.

Feng also looked at his watch and was stunned for a long time. Then he asked with a smile, "is the head of Zhang so happy? Does it look like it's going well?"

"That's nature. We beat up the wild hunting regiment and conquered their hunting regiment directly. Now their flag has been replaced by ours!" Zhang Heng patted his chest and said excitedly.

"Sure enough, I won..." Feng Yixiu looked at the result on the paper, and then continued: "how about the casualties of our hunting regiment?"

"Seven wounded, no deaths." Zhang Heng responded.

"Seven injured? No death... " Feng Yixiu murmured to himself.

The three predicted information on this note has completed two, which is already very powerful.

Zhang Heng also saw the information on the note and laughed: "ha ha Sergeant Svan, you're still wrong

Si fan smiles and does not refute.

All of a sudden, a member of the regiment burst in and said in a loud voice: "report leader, we have just found out that the two captains have been poisoned wildly. Fortunately, they have been sent to the medical room and now they have saved their lives."

"What? Wild and poisonous? " Zhang Heng's whole person a Leng, a face frightened way.

This poison is hidden. Even if it is poisoned, there will be no reaction at that time. But the poison is very fast, and it can kill people in a flash!

"That's right. Fortunately, someone forced him to the medical room. They said that it was ordered by Si fan military division!" The regimental commander looked at Si fan and said in a deep voice.

Zhang Heng, who was struck by lightning, sat down on his seat and apologized to Si fan after a long time: "Si fan, I'm wrong!"

Just if it was not for Si fan's ingenious calculation, he was sent to the medical room for treatment in advance. I'm afraid that two of them will die soon!

Now Zhang Heng admires Si fan's military division with all his heart.

Si fan waved his hand and said faintly, "commander Zhang, you are welcome. Since I have joined the crazy iron hunting group, that is a member of the crazy iron hunting group. Why should I divide it into right and wrong?"

Feng Yixiu is also looking at Si fan for a long time. This man's wisdom can be called near demon!

Since only relying on so little information, we can calculate so much information, and the accuracy rate is so high!

"The wisdom of Si fan is really an eye opener! The crazy iron hunting regiment has commander Zhang Heng and military division. I'm afraid the unification of the whole second isolation area is imperative The wind also Xiu stood up with a smile and said in a loud voice.

"That's right. I didn't have a good attitude before. I hope you can forgive me. In the future, I will act in strict accordance with your plan." Zhang Heng is also a cheerful person, in which the advantages and disadvantages of aluminum are also clearly divided. He patted his chest and assured him.

After all, everyone would like to have such a teammate, which is for them to produce a dangerous wilderness, suddenly feel a sense of security explosion.

Si fan pushed his eyes and said with a smile, "since you agree to act according to my plan, then this strategic plan will be studied after you go back, and the plan of total conquest will be started after tomorrow."

He is also very glad to meet such a group of friends who trust him. After all, he is just an ordinary person. No matter where he went before, although he got some respect, no one was willing to really follow the advice of an ordinary person.

The biggest thing is to use it as a tool to build a defense system. Now he has really integrated himself into the crazy iron hunting group and become a member of it.

After Feng Yixiu and others finished a thick stack of plans, their scalp was almost numb.

I saw that the paper was full of data analysis and information, as well as operational plans. Every aspect was terrible and detailed.

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