"Next, I will represent 123 hunting groups to talk about cooperation with you. Miss Shen Qingci, please have a seat." Si fan from the beginning to the end are calm and terrible, see him very polite hand out a sign way.

Shen Qingci calmed down a little. He sat down slowly and said in a deep voice, "say it? What's the price of your cooperation? "

Si Fan said coldly: "six floors!"

"Cough..." The wind is also ready to drink tea, scared directly choked.

This si fan is really a lion's mouth!

This seems to be much higher than the price negotiated before!

The price of purchasing magic cards between the crazy iron hunting group and other conquered hunting groups is 5:2, and the fixed resources must be handed in every month.

If the price of cooperation with Qingfeng chamber of commerce is six layers, the profit is very high!

Shen Qingci met his opponent!

"See! The head of your family can't look down. I can't accept the price! " Shen Qingci was so excited that they all stood up and said firmly.

"Then I can only find other chambers of Commerce to cooperate, and then you can't regret it!" Si fan's attitude is also very tough, cold voice.

Feng Yixiu is also embarrassed when he sees them like this. The palm and back of the hand are all flesh. He doesn't like to talk to anyone!

After all, one side is the Qingfeng chamber of Commerce founded by himself, and he is also the vice president.

On the other hand, it is the new crazy iron hunting group, which is also the deputy head.

No matter which side you prefer, you seem to feel sorry for one of them!

"President Feng, what do you say to do?"

"Commander Feng, you'll be fair!"

At the same time, Si fan and Shen Qingci looked at Xiang Feng and Xiu at the same time.

I don't know how to answer it.

This NIMA seems to be a proposition!

"This is the out of print magic card that fell in two months. I put it here. "

" then You can handle the cooperation by yourself! I have something else to do. I'll go first... "

After Feng Yixiu put down the magic card, he seemed to be fleeing. He took the East and jumped directly from the window at the end of summer.

"Hoo If I had known this situation, I would not have come. It scared me to death... " As soon as he landed, the wind took a deep breath and was shocked.

"Then let them talk for themselves! I think it's fun for them to be together. Maybe something will happen "At the end of summer in the East.

"What happened? You think too much? I think they're just about to fight! " The wind also repairs the frown road.

"Cut! What kind of perception do you know! I told you you don't understand. Take me to my brother Han Xiao quickly and quickly! " At the end of the summer, the East kicked a foot fiercely, and the wind also repaired, pursed her lips.

"Look for it! What a fierce thing The wind also scratched his head, and then flew directly to Qingyun college.


By this time the sky was approaching dusk.

No. 1 training hall, second floor, Qingyun training hall.

Shen Ruyu and Han Xiao are still as usual, waiting for the arrival of Jialan Ziyu teacher.

Every night they would come to have a special training with the teacher of Jialan Ziyu. Although they were too tired to lift their hands every day, they never set foot.

They still came half an hour earlier than the appointed time to warm up in advance.

However, the three uninvited guests are coming in this direction. It is the senior high school senior who was defeated by them before.

"What are you doing here?" Shen Ruyu frowned at this.

"You are not welcome here!" Han Xiao is also unhappy.

"Don't get me wrong. We went to headmaster Wang before. Isn't there four main players in this game? There are only three of you now. How can my brother say that they are all super perfect fighting spirits? Is it not too much to be the fourth main player? " Bai Li Mei has a high voice.

"Yes, not only big brother, but also me and Meier. President Wang also agreed to let us become two substitutes and train with you." Yin Haonan patted his chest and said excitedly.

In fact, President Wang did not agree to let them join the fengyixiu team, but said that Shen Ruyu could join if they agreed.

It is obvious that bailihui deliberately misinterpreted the words of President Wang and forced themselves to be included in the competition.

"Nonsense! I don't believe President Wang will make such a decision! " Han Xiao is going to find headmaster Wang to ask clearly, but it is yinhaonan to hold.

"What do you mean? Is it hard to be guilty Han Xiao frowned and said in a deep voice.

"Don't be shameless! Do you think my big brother doesn't deserve to be the fourth main force? " Yin Haonan glared at Han Xiao fiercely and said angrily.

"So what? Let me go Han Xiao unfriendly back stare back to go back, gnash teeth way."Hum! If you didn't join hands on that day, you would be my big brother's opponent? What a joke Yin Haonan sneered scornfully.

"To lose is to lose! What else can the defeated general have to say? " Shen Ruyu said coldly.

Baili painted the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out. He was so proud of a man, but he was once again uncovered the scar!

"Don't say that Feng Xiu is no longer here. Even if he is there, he is not my opponent in terms of singles. What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me?" The tone of Baili painting is strong and domineering, and a star galloping tiger suddenly appears beside him, sending out a frightening roar.

Shen Qingci and Han Xiao also frowned, trying to refute, but did not speak for a long time.

"You have the ability, say it again!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice suddenly sounded, the wind also repair a face of iron from the door towards this side.

The huge jade Lin snake behind him was shining with gold, and all the people were frightened.


Xingchi battle tiger saw the jade Lin snake after wind self-cultivation, and even made a voice like begging for mercy.

"The wind also mends!"

Everyone in training hall one gave a cry of surprise.

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