"Master Lu, are you trying to escape?" Wind also repair the corners of the mouth, hook a touch of arc, light way.

"Who Who said I wanted to run! It's too stuffy inside. I can't get a breath out of it! " Master Lu shuddered.

"Oh? I see! I thought you wanted to run away Feng Yixiu smiles and goes on: "it's not urgent to go out and breathe. You have to fulfill the bet first."

"Bets? What bets? I don't know! " Master Lu was livid and refused to admit it even after he was killed.

"I don't know? Then I'll help you remember. If the three of us are super perfect, you'll kowtow and admit your mistake, and then quit the research world! " Wind also repair, meaningful smile, cold voice way.

"Big bold! Do you know who I am? I'm a famous master of researching spirit. Even if I lose, what can you do with me? Who do you think you are that you want me to kneel down and beg for mercy and quit the world of research? Minister of forestry? " Master Lu saw that he couldn't pretend to be stupid, so he became hardened again.

"Oh? So you're going to cheat? " The wind also repairs the frown road.

"I'm just playing tricks today, so what? You want me to quit the world of research and kowtow to your little boy to admit that I'm wrong. You don't have the qualification at all! " Master Lu points to Feng Yixiu's nose with a proud face. He is not a guest.

Feng Yixiu didn't say much. He slowly took out his mobile phone, dialed a familiar number and walked towards the window.

"Hello! Is there a man named Lu Chen among the registered Lingshi, Chu Lao? "

"Don't ask. He is an old man who relies on his old age and sells his old age. He doesn't even have the basic quality to be a spiritual master. I think we should cancel it."

"Good! That's it. I'll tell you another big thing some other day

After hanging up the phone, Feng Yixiu put away his mobile phone and walked slowly to master Lu.

"Cut! Put on airs. Don't think you can scare me if you know the forest minister's surname is Chu! I don't want to eat your way! " Master Lu only thought that Feng Yixiu was bluffing him. He didn't take it seriously.

At the end of the Xia Dynasty, Han Xiao and others all looked at Master Lu with sympathetic eyes, and their faces were filled with smiles.

"You What do you mean by that look? I tell you, if you offend me, you will have good fruit to eat Master Lu angrily pointed to everyone and said in a loud voice.

"Ding Ding Ding..."

All of a sudden, Master Lu's mobile phone ring suddenly, he picked up the mobile phone and looked at it, and immediately picked it up.

The more he listened, his face became more and more heavy, until at last the whole person seemed to collapse, and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat.


Finally, the mobile phone slipped directly from his fingertips and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

He is also like a bereaved dog, legs a soft, the whole person kneels down on the ground, full of fear looking at the wind also repair.

"You You are the deputy director of the forest department

Old Lu raised his hand tremblingly. There was no blood on his pale face.

Just a phone call, he was directly expelled from the spiritual world, that is to say, he is no longer a spiritual master!

"It doesn't matter who I am! What's important is that as a spiritual researcher, I hate to hear the words "rubbish and spirit" in your mouth

"It is your dereliction of duty if you can't find the potential of war spirit. Why should you put the blame on the war spirit?" Feng Yixiu looks down at Master Lu on his knees. The whole person is gloomy and terrible.

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