"This is a rare fighting spirit in human form, a witch of thorns! It is said to be the strongest wood fighting spirit

Without waiting for Feng Yixiu to speak, President Zhou came here with a serious face.

"Briar? The strongest wood fighting spirit

Shen Ruyu and the end of the eastern Xia Dynasty are involuntarily exclaimed, full of questions.

"Yes! It is the only one recorded in the Holy Spirit Scripture

Under the treatment of Feng Yixiu, Jialan Ziyu's wound is better. She slowly opened her eyes and said in a deep voice.

"My God! Although I don't understand it, I feel like it's so powerful! " Han Xiao was shocked.

Shen Ruyu said with a sneer: "brother Han, if you don't listen to me, you don't even know the Holy Spirit Scripture?"

At the end of summer in the East, he also laughed.

Han Xiao touched her nose awkwardly and whispered to Shen Ruyu: "four younger sister, don't make fun of me in front of the end of summer. I can't read more books in the future."

After all the people reacted, they looked at Feng Yixiu with a suspicious look, just like a prisoner.

That kind of feeling seems to be saying: "confess leniently, resist severe!"

"I said I woke up and suddenly had her, do you believe it?" Feng Yixiu knows that he can't hide. He smiles.

He is indeed inexplicably sent by the system, which is no essential difference with sleeping white take!

However, it is obvious that everyone did not believe him. Instead, they examined Feng Yixiu with more suspicious eyes.

"This situation is very likely to happen. For example, if a person is born with two fighting spirits, it may happen when one fighting spirit is much stronger than the other!" President Zhou thought about it seriously and said in a deep voice.

"No you 're right! President Zhou is right! It's very likely that's it! " Wind also repair, like picking up a life-saving straw general, immediately with the road.

"It is possible that the situation mentioned by President Zhou is indeed possible. Hualing is one of the most vulnerable juveniles, and is likely to be suppressed by the main fighting spirit. Therefore, this situation occurs." Jialan teacher also seems to be inspired by the general, nodded a point.

Wind also Xiu is full of black lines, so you can be round in the past, your imagination is really powerful!

"My God! Brother, you are so lucky! Whenever I can have a second world war spirit, I can wake up in my dreams! " Han Xiao said with envy.


Small eight in one side is angry will Han Xiao to hit, a face of not happy.

It felt like saying, you dare to look for other turtles on my back outside?

Han Xiao is some helpless way: "you see you this careful eye kind, you can't learn from others Xiaobai Lou, you see how happy it is to play with that bramble enchantress!"

Suddenly, the little eight turned his head and took a look at the small white building. He was courteous and rubbed the bramble enchantress with his head. He was very friendly.

The thorn enchantress is not to the wind also repair general, but is allowed to small white house intimate behavior, but still is a face of cold.

Jialan Ziyu suddenly stood up slowly and said to headmaster Zhou, "as you have just seen, the growth of children is beyond my expectation. It seems that I am not qualified to be their teacher."

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