"That's right. Aren't you the leader of the first team of the current wind department? You don't know about him? " President Zhou was a little surprised.

"I do know some, but they all know that I am a student of teacher Jialan. They are afraid that I will be sad, so they are not willing to mention this in detail..." The wind also lowers the head.

When he was the leader of the first team in the wind Department, he really heard the story between Jialan Ziyu and Xuanji.

At that time, one of them was the leader of the first team, and the other was the vice captain of the first team. Both of them were jokingly called "the heroes of the eagle".

It can be seen how much they love a group of lovers before, but it's a pity that the weather is not beautiful, and they met with an accident in a mission.

In order to protect Jialan Ziyu, Captain Xuanji was nearly killed by Xueling master!

In the end, if Zhong Limei didn't arrive in time, I'm afraid even his life would not have been saved. Unfortunately, he ended up as a vegetable and could only rely on nutrient solution to maintain his life!

"Ah Xuanji, as the leader of the first team, is also very powerful. However, he became a warrior in his twenties. It's a pity that he didn't unlock the fourth level gene lock, otherwise he would not be like this! " President Zhou shook his head helplessly and regretted.

He was still working in the fire department at that time, so he had heard about the wind Department and admired Xuanji, the leader of the first team.

So they are also very interested in their affairs, which makes him have more understanding of Xuanji.

"Have you become Zhan lingzun in your twenties? This is also That's amazing Han Xiao was so scared that he couldn't make it clear.

The warspirit king needs level 5 warspirit division, while the warspirit Zun needs level 7 warspirit division.

If the ability to be the king of war is a new power, then it can be said that the power of fighting alone is another one.

Compared with ordinary warspirit masters, the warspirit king can use the spirit soldiers to endow them with powerful destructive power.

Compared with the warspirit king, zhanlingzun not only has all the fighting spirit, but also can use a special ability called war spirit attachment. It can make itself possess the ability of warspirit part, and greatly enhance the survivability and combat effectiveness of warspirit division!

This Xuanji was only 20 years old when he became Zhan lingzun, but he was a great genius!

"You think it's the first team, naturally? The five teams of the wind Department are not randomly divided. The strength of the first team is the strongest, but the strength of the later team is slightly inferior. " Zhou explained patiently.

"Cough..." Feng Yixiu coughed awkwardly.

President Zhou realized that Feng Yixiu was the current leader of the first team. He laughed and said, "ha ha I forgot that you are the leader of the first team now. Sorry! I'm not saying you're a dry cook! You are a special case

The wind is also full of black lines. It's good if you don't explain it. The more you explain, the more meaningful it will be?

"What do you mean by saying it's a pity he didn't unlock the fourth gene lock?" The wind also repairs the frown road.

"You don't know! The biggest feature of the third-order gene lock is its amazing strength and defense, while the feature of the fourth-order gene lock is even more amazing, that is, the ability to revive life. " Zhou explained with a smile.

"Life recovery? What kind of ability is that? " Shen Ruyu frowned and asked.

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