Feng Yixiu stood by the teacher's side with a silent face and did not make any excuse.

"Give way, give me a way!"

An hour later, the cat rushed in from the crowd.

"Cat, is the fourth level origin potion ready?" Feng Yixiu asked quickly.

The cat quickly gives a bottle of golden origin potion to Feng Yixiu carefully.

Feng Yixiu was frightened by the weight of the origin potion at the beginning. The weight of the origin potion was much heavier than he thought.

But the thought that this is the origin of the gold system, the potion is also relieved.

"Master Jialan, I will give Xuanji this fourth level origin potion later. However, he is not in good health now. We need to input spiritual power for him." The wind is also moving towards the blue jade.

Jialan Ziyu nodded and said in a soft voice, "I know, even if you fail, you don't have psychological burden. It's all my own choice!"

Even if she failed, she would not blame Feng Yixiu for her worst plan.

After all, fengyixiu is also for himself and Xuan. He knows how precious these four level origin potions are. I'm afraid even he can't afford it.

It's just an ordinary fourth level origin potion. Fengyixiu is a special origin potion, which can surprise all cats. The price is also sky high!

Jialan teacher suddenly said: "you'd better give it to me..."

She is also afraid that if she fails in the end, she will not impose too much psychological burden on Feng Yi.

Feng Yixiu didn't say much about it. He directly handed the fourth level origin potion to the other party.


Jialan Ziyu adjusted her breath, and then slowly opened the original potion in her hand.

At one time, a strange fragrance filled the whole room, and all the doctors held their breath, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

The only voice that Liu said was cold Make a mystery

Jialan Ziyu gently broke open Xuanji's mouth, and then carefully poured all the original potions in his hands into each other's mouth.

At the same time, he transports his own spiritual power for Xuanji.


It was not long before the medicine was poured in, and the heart rate monitoring instrument on the side sounded an alarm.

The heart rate curve, which had some ups and downs, turned into a straight line.

Seeing this, Dr. Liu said with a sneer: "I said that this boy is not reliable. This is OK! You're playing to death! Thanks to my tact, I signed the exemption letter in advance

Jialan Ziyu is also scared to sweat DC, is still constantly toward the Xuanji body to transport their own spiritual power.

Seeing this, the wind was even more dignified. Then he had an idea and suddenly released a terrible electric current. He pressed it toward Xuanji's chest.

The huge current will be Xuanji, the whole person electric tremor, the heart rate curve that had been a straight line suddenly had ups and downs.

"It can still be like this!" Feng Yixiu was surprised.

Then the wind suddenly increased the current, and the whole ward was covered by strong electric light.


Suddenly, a faint cough sounds, and then Xuanji's fingers moved twice.

Originally like a skeleton, Xuanji began to recover quickly at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the whole body slowly became full.

The skin, which was dry as dry as paper, began to become delicate and smooth, and the whole person turned from bloodless to ruddy.

Seeing this, Jialan Ziyu was even more excited and said in a loud voice, "it's really a success!"

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