"Can vitality achieve immortality? How did she do it? " Feng Yixiu exclaimed.

"This is not recorded in detail, but according to my speculation, it should be an enchantment card about enhancing the power of nature, which maximizes the advantages of wood warfighting spirit." The old voice is deep.

"Power of nature enchant card, is this magic card rare?" The wind also repairs the frown road.

"I know a kind of extremely strong and golden nature magic card, which is called senro queen senro. He should be the strongest nature magic card among the gold magic cards!" Chulao said seriously.

"Queen senro? Why haven't I heard of the magic card? " Feng Yixiu carefully recalled for a moment, and some doubts.

"Of course you haven't heard of it. This is the dark crack that produces the magic card, which is not recorded in ordinary books." Chulao said with a smile.

"Ah? Why is it the magic card of the dark crack again? Where can I get it The wind also repairs for a while, frowns bitterly.

He made a crazy electric Tyrannosaurus Rex almost put his life on, this Senluo queen was so respected by Chu Lao, I'm afraid it is also a tough Warcraft!

Chulao's mysterious smile, suddenly took out a gold level magic card, smiling: "hey What do you think this is? "

The wind is also fixed on a look, it is a gold level magic card, senro Queen - senro!

"Mr. Chu, where are you from?" Wind also repair a face excited way.

"This was given to me by someone who asked me to do something. I didn't use it. I didn't expect it would come in handy this time." Old Chu said with a smile.

As the director of the Forestry Department of the central China base, naturally, many people would ask him to do something. As a thank you, he often gave some precious gifts.

The gold level magic card of "senro Queen - senro" is one of them.

When the wind was also xiudun, he said with a smile: "Mr. Chu, it's no use holding your magic card. It's better to..."

Chu Lao didn't know that Feng Yixiu was careful. He said with a smile, "you boy, you're trying to make me such a bad old man's idea again!"

After saying this, Chu Lao directly handed the gold level demon card to Feng Yixiu, and said faintly, "take it! But unfortunately, there is only one. "

The wind also repairs a face to be confused to look at the magic Spirit card in the hand, the whole person is excited to be unable to say a word.

So I took a quick look at the shape of this magic card. On the back is still a strange pattern of the dark eye, indicating that the origin is the dark crack.

On the front is a majestic image of senro queen. She is slightly closing her eyes to nourish the spirit. The whole demon spirit looks very noble and aloof.

Feng Yixiu quickly put away the magic Spirit card, and then suddenly remembered the old Chu's words and said in a deep voice, "Chu Lao, what do you mean by saying that it's a pity just now?"

"This senro Queen - senro is an enchanted card, not an armed demon card. The effect can be superimposed. I'm afraid it is difficult to achieve near immortal vitality by just one card." Chu Lao shook his head regretfully and explained.

However, the ability to enchant a magic war is different from that of a magic war.

That is to say, enchantment cards can be superimposed. The superposition of the same card or the same type of enchanted magic card will often produce amazing changes.

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