"My God! How expensive is that fourth order origin potion? "

"There are only a few hundred thousand yuan left in his 30 million yuan union currency!" Feng Yixiu is about to cry.

He now knows what it means to work hard for half a year, and once he returns to the feeling before liberation.

However, he did not feel that there was any unworthiness. He was able to save Jialan's lover. Even if he was in debt for tens of millions, it was worth it!

"Well That old Chu! The money of this magic card will be given to you next time! I have something else to do Slip away

Wind also repair a slip out of Chu Lao's laboratory, make Chu old confused.

"How can this boy keep on talking all day long? How can he be so stingy and searching..." Chulao laughs and shakes his head. He doesn't take it to heart. He is still immersed in his own experiment.


As soon as the wind comes out, the mobile phone rings.

A look is Han Xiao call, is also a word without saying directly up.

The voice over there was very small, as if it was a furtive phone call.

"I said, brother, where are you now?" Han Xiao quietly Mimi's whisper.

"Where is my headquarters in Central China? What's the matter? What's going on? " The wind also repairs eyebrows and frowns.

"I'll tell you! What a big deal Han Xiao's tone is full of tension.

"What's the big deal? Can you finish it all at once Wind also repair impatient road.

"Isn't miss Jialan gone? The school has found a teacher for us, but he has to reassign our assigned team. He also said that the training method of Jialan teacher is rubbish. In short, his words are very ugly Han Xiao's voice can hear a deep sense of disgust.

"A teacher so soon? How can it be redistributed? " The wind has been mended for a while.

"You dare to talk on the phone during class! You want to die, don't you? "

Suddenly, a man's rough voice suddenly sounded, followed by a crash.

Then the phone was interrupted directly. I think the phone was broken!

Feng Yixiu held his mobile phone with a serious face, and then walked out of the building in the forest department with a gloomy face.

As soon as we got out of the building, we met Xuanji and Jialan Ziyu.

"Great! I was just about to find you Wind also repair a face excited way.

"What's the matter? What happened? " Jialan Ziyu also asked in a hurry.

"Just now Brother Han called me and said that the school had found a new teacher, that he wanted to reassign the participants to us, and that he abused you in front of all class a students..." Feng Yixiu said truthfully.

"What? Even insulting Ziyu? He has eaten the gall of bear heart leopard

"Then I want to see what kind of dumb fool it is. I must teach him a good lesson!"

This Jia blue purple jade has not yet spoken, Xuanji on the whole fried the pot, a face raw airway.

After saying that, Xuanji then pulls the Jialan Purple Jade toward a helicopter which is closest to her.

Feng Yixiu also followed the steps of Xuanji and came to the helicopter.

But when Xuanji was ready to step on it, he slapped his head.

"You see, I'm so angry that I can't make a helicopter! It's slow. " Xuanji said to himself.


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