"You..." Li Chang'an looked at President Zhou angrily, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"What? Do you want to continue with me? " President Zhou stroked the spirit soldiers in his hands and said coldly.

"I dare not..." Li Chang'an bowed his head and stammered.

"I don't dare. I thought you wanted to compete with me again! That's a pity... " President Zhou then took back the spirit soldiers in his hands and turned them into a little light, which dissipated into invisibility.

Feng Yixiu was stunned. It was the first time for him to see a strong man of this level. The power of a sword directly cut the mature warspirit into two parts. It was just terrible.

And look at the situation that President Li seems to have stopped, it is hard to imagine that if he tried his best, he would split the dormitory building in half!

"This is the strength of the warspirit king! Really strong! When can I become such a strong man on my own! " Wind also Xiu can't help but sigh in his heart.

Although Feng Yixiu didn't show it on the surface, his heart was as hot and dry as the dormitory now. He must become stronger and stronger so that no one can bully him!

"If President Zhou has nothing to do, I'll leave first. It seems that I still have some things to do." Li Chang'an wiped the blood on his lips with his cuff and said weakly.

"Not busy! I have something else to ask you. Come with me! "

He walked to the end of the corridor.

As soon as I came out, I found that many students ran out of their dormitories because of the noise just now, and looked at the situation in dormitory 121 with the probe.

"What are you looking at! Get out of here! Don't give me any nonsense about today's affairs. Those who violate the school rules will be dealt with! " President Zhou frowned and his voice was like thunder.


All the students closed the door of their dormitories obediently. They didn't want to be watched by President Zhou as soon as the school started.

"What are you doing? Come with me President Zhou glanced at Li Chang'an with his head down beside him and said coldly.

"Good Ok... " Li Chang'an whispered.

"The wind also repairs, you wait for me here for a while, I have something to discuss with you later." President Zhou suddenly turned around and said to Feng Yixiu in a very kind tone. Just as he was about to leave, he looked back at Li Kaiyuan and said four words with his lips: "fight to death!"

The wind also nodded, compared with a OK gesture.

Li Kaiyuan on one side seems to have noticed something wrong. As soon as Li Chang'an and President Zhou left, they went crazy and wanted to run away.

However, the speed of Feng Yixiu was much faster than that of him. In a flash, he appeared in front of him and said in a cold voice, "do you want to run? It's not that easy! "

"You What do you want? This is a school Don't mess with me Li Kaiyuan shivered.

"Ha ha You know this is a school Feng Yixiu sneered, and then he dragged Feng Yixiu into the 121 bedroom. He locked the door directly, and gave a cruel smile: "some people are like this. The dog thinks that he is a lion because he has too much face. If you don't give you some face shot, you are really endless!"

Feng Yixiu wrapped his right fist with thunder, and made a frightening "crackling" sound. Without hesitation, he quickly punched Li Kaiyuan with a punch in his face.

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